Information Required to Escalate Enterprise Solutions Issues

Affected Products:

Software Enterprise Solutions:

  • Lexmark Cloud Fleet Management

  • Lexmark Cloud Print Management

  • Lexmark Document Distributor (LDD)-based apps
    Proceed with escalation checklist

    • Education Station (EdSta)

    • eForms

    • Lexmark Print Management (LPM) Premise

    • Testing and Grading Solutions (TGX)

    • Custom apps or Software Development Kits (SDKs)

  • Lexmark Fleet Manager (LFM)

  • Lexmark Print Management (LPM) Serverless

  • Lexmark Printer Management Agent (LPMA) for MPS Issues


    Proceed with escalation checklist

  • Lexmark Solutions Platform (LSP) Premise

  • Lexmark Testing Assistant

  • Pharos Blueprint

  • Publishing Platform for Retail (PPR)

    • InStorePublisher

    • Print Control Issue

    • For PPR Cloud Customers

    • Publishing Platform Manager


Please utilize all available technical support resources before electing to escalate issues.


  1. Gather mandatory information below for ALL escalations.

    • Customer Information

      • Account Name

      • Account Address

      • Customer Name

      • Phone Number

      • Email Address

    • Lexmark Device Machine Type/Model


      Please Utilize this escalation template:


    • Problem frequency

    • Readily repeatable or random issue


      to include:

    • Number of affected devices (include Lexmark and/or non-Lexmark printers)

    • New roll out or new installation



      Kindly include video or screenshot/s of the issue, if possible.



  2. If a device is involved, gather these common requirements for all enterprise solutions-related issues.


    For LPM Serverless, gather only the following requirements:

    • Menu Settings Page

    • Embedded Solutions Log File

    • Exported Embedded Solutions Settings

      RequirementsRelevanceHow to obtain

      Menu Settings Page

      This document contains all the printer settings and running firmware code.

      a. Using the printer Control Panel – On the printer, press Menu > Reports > Menu Settings Page.

      b. Using the Embedded Web Server (EWS) – Access the printer's EWS, go to Reports > Device Settings. Copy and paste the displayed information to a notepad or text editor.





      or more information.

      Embedded Solutions Log File

      For LPM Serverless, include the logs from the Master and Client printers.

      It documents all the errors or crashes experienced by the eSF apps' user.

      1. Open the printer's EWS via a web browser (e.g., Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome).

      2. Enter the printer's IP address followed by /se (e.g.,

      3. Select Embedded Solutions.

      4. Clear the log file to ensure that new log files will be captured to better isolate the problem.

      5. Go to Set Logging Level, select YES for Allow debugging entries in the log?, and hit Submit. This will turn ON Debugging Mode. Reproduce the problem.

      6. Repeat Steps 1, 2, and 3, and then click on Log File.

      7. Copy and Save all the entries as .txt.


      Make sure to turn OFF Debugging Mode once troubleshooting is completed and the issue is resolved.

      Bundle Information

      Provides a list of all solutions installed on the printer.

      1. Open the printer's EWS via a web browser (e.g., Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome).

      2. Enter the printer's IP address followed by /se (e.g.,

      3. Select Embedded Solutions.

      4. Select the Bundle Information.

      5. Copy and Save all the entries as .txt.

      Exported Embedded Solutions Settings UCF


      For LPM Serverless, include the logs from the Master and Client printers.

      This contains the configuration on how the specific eSF application is set up.

      1. Open the printer's EWS via a web browser (e.g., Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome).

      2. Enter the printer's IP address (e.g.,

      3. Select Settings, and then click on Embedded Solutions or Device Solutions > Solutions (eSF) or Apps > Apps Management.

      4. Click on the affected eSF application, select Configure, and then click Export.

      Exported Printer Settings UCF

      This contains the configuration on how the printer's base settings are set up.

      1. Open the printer's EWS via a web browser (e.g., Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome).

      2. Enter the printer's IP address (e.g.,

      3. Select Settings.

      4. Click on Import/Export, and then click on Export Settings File.

  3. Capture app-specific requirements. Click on the application name to obtain the specific logs required.

LPM Serverless

Job Submission

RequirementsRelevanceHow to Obtain

Error message

This is helpful when searching for the error string in the logs.

Take a screenshot or take note of the exact error message.

LPMC folder zipped

This forms part of the client-side logs

Run "%programdata%\LPMC" and select all files in the folder and zip them.

Driver Version

This will help in replicating the issue in the lab.

Go to the Printer Properties and go to the About tab.

Windows Application and System Events

This forms part of the workstation logs for reference.

Open Event Viewer under Windows Logs, right click on Applications and select "Save All Events As...". Do the same for the System.

Job Release

RequirementsRelevanceHow to Obtain

Error message

This is helpful when searching for the error string in the logs.

Take a screenshot or take note of the exact error message.

LPMC folder zipped

This forms part of the client-side logs.

Run "%programdata%\LPMC" and select all files in the folder and zip them.

Driver version

This will help in replicating the issue in the lab

Go to the Printer Properties and go to the About tab.

Windows Application and System Events

This forms part of the workstation logs for reference.

Open Event Viewer and under Windows Logs, right click on Applications and select "Save All Events As...". Do the same for System.

Logs gzip of device

LPM Serverless use eSF solutions that may throw errors in the device logs.

Go to the device's SE page (http://printer_address/se) and select Embedded Solutions Log > Set Logging Level > Yes > Submit.

Reproduce the issue, then on the same SE page, select Logs Gzip Compressed.

eSF application Versions

This helps to verify if issue is reproducible in the lab, or if it is a known issue.

Go to the device's application list. Note the versions of the Print Release and either the Card Authentication or CLoud Authentication eSF applications.

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Pharos Blueprint

RequirementsRelevanceHow to obtain

Blueprint version

What is the version # of the Pharos Terminal Object?

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

Pharos Administrator should be able to provide this information.

Blueprint log files

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

File (folder) locations:

Windows 2003

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\PharosSystems\Blueprint\Logs

Windows 2008 (


This is a hidden folder by default.)

C:\Program Data\PharosSystems\Blueprint\Logs

And then send the taskmaster.log, bediservice.log files.

Pharos Alerts

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

See Pharos Administrator > System > Alerts

Windows Event Viewer

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

  1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer.

  2. Export and send logs.

Errors displayed on the computer

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

Take a screenshot.

Script used in Blueprint Terminal

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

Enduser provided

How many servers are used?

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

Enduser provided

Example: 1 Analyst and x Collectors

Which Blueprint server is the MFP connected to?

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

Enduser provided

Is the problem isolated to one particular server?

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

Enduser provided

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Lexmark Solutions Platform


RequirementsRelevanceHow to obtain

LSP version

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

Enduser provided

Database version

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

For example, Microsoft SQL 2005, Microsoft SQL 2008 R2, or other.

SharePoint version

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

Include service pack or patch levels.

SP/LSP logs

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

SP/LSP logs are found in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\LOGS


for more information on how enable debug mode.

Lexmark TPA (Transport Protocol Adapter) Log

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

Navigate to the following folders:

For Windows 64-bit systems:C:\Program Files (x86)\Lexmark Solutions\LOGS

For Windows 32-bit systems:C:\Program Files\Lexmark Solutions\LOGS

DEBUG level logging can be configured within the TransportProtocolAdapter_log4net.config file

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

1. Navigate to the following folders:

For Windows 64-bit systems:C:\Program Files (x86)\Lexmark Solutions

For Windows 32-bit systems:C:\Program Files\Lexmark Solutions

2. Find the following lines of XML:

  • <root>

  • <level value="INFO" />, and change them to:

    • <root>

    • <level value="DEBUG" />

Internet Information Service (IIS) logs that may be useful

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

Navigate to both C:\inetpub\logs and C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\HTTPERR

How many main and child servers?

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

Enduser provided

Is LDAP being used?

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

Enduser provided

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Lexmark Fleet Manager

Before you begin, verify Lexmark Fleet Tracker product activation. See



or additional information.

Provide a detailed problem description:

  1. For data roll-up issues, include all LFM collectors involved:

    • Lexmark Fleet Tracker (LFT 2.0 only)

    • Lexmark Services monitor (LSM)

    • Embedded Lexmark Services Monitor (eLSM)

    • Lexmark Local Tracker (LLT)

    • Lexmark Print Monitor Agent (LPMA)

  2. Include code levels of affected LFM products.

  3. Details should include information about the environment, architechture, installation, frequency (persistent and repeatable vs. random anomaly), functionality etc.

Colect the data points defined below for any or all solutions that are running in the environment.

a. LFT Data Points

RequirementsRelevanceHow to obtain (LFT 2.0)LFT3.0 Locations

LFT log files

Required for debugging LFT services.

1. Log on to the server that is hosting the LFT 2.0 Application.

2. Open file explorer and navigate to the default path C:\Lexmark\Lexmark_LFT\Logs.

3. Copy all log files into a .zip file and attach to escalation.

C:\Program Files\Lexmark\Fleet Tracker\server\logs


For e-mail alerts and notifications issues, please contact your next level of support or Lexmark Technical Support for assistance in enabling and gathering logs.

Screen capture of problematic behavior (i.e., error message, incorrect reading on webpage)

Provides a good overview of the problem, especially if it’s a system error message.

Use the ALT + Print Screen feature in windows, or any screen capture utility available.

Same as LFT 2.0.

Check Oracle version installed on the hosting server


1. Open LFT 2.0 webpage.

2. In left-hand frame under the Administration section, select LFT Status.

3. You will see the Version in the bottom-right frame.

Click Image to Enlarge

1. Open LFT 3.0.

2. Click on System Configuration.

Installation path of LFT and Oracle installations

Installation path may vary depending on which version of Oracle is used.

The default path for LFT is C:\Lexmark\Lexmark_LFT.

The default path for OracleXE is C:\oraclexe.


b. LSM Data Points

RequirementsRelevanceHow to obtain

LSM log file

Useful for understanding problematic behavior

1. Log on to the server that is hosting LSM Application.

2. Open file explorer and navigate to C:\Program Files\Lexmark\LSM \rXpress.log.

3. Copy the rXpress.log file and attach to escalation.

Screen Capture

Provides overview of problematic behavior

ALT + Print Screen or use a screen capture utility

Confirm rXpress service is running

Required service for LSM

1. Open Windows Task Manager > select Processes tab.

2. Confirm rXpress.exe and rXpressStart.exe are running.

Installation path of LSM


The default path for LSM is C:\Program Files\Lexmark\LSM.


LSM is self-contained and does not rely on Oracle for data storage on the LSM collector.


The LSM installer writes into a flat file system that shows up as rXpress.rx in the installation directory.

Deleting this file and restarting the LSM will remove all print data from the LSM collector. Configuration settings will remain, however, since they are stored in the registry.

c. Management Information Base (MIB) Data

This is required for device support issues. Collect MIB data using the iReasoning MIB Browser Free Personal Edition.


Exported data should be in XML format.


Go to the

MIB browser website



At the bottom of the screen, click “I Accept”.


Select either setup.exe (for Windows) or (for all other platforms).

Click Image to Enlarge


Install the MIB Browser.


Please follow the on-screen instructions during installation.


Launch the



Enter the printer’s IP address in the Address field.

Click Image to Enlarge

Click Operations, select Walk then click


Click Image to Enlarge

After the data has loaded in the Result Table, click the

icon to begin the XML data export.

Click Image to Enlarge

Go under File and Save Session.

Click Image to Enlarge

d. Additional Oracle Database (DB) Information

For capacity issues, check Oracle version vs. size of users.dbf file to determine whether the database (DB) has gone over its storage capacity.


Determine Oracle Version to determine size capacity.


To check the Oracle version, click Start All Programs View Oracle Version. Oracle 10g XE = 4 GB; Oracle 11g XE = 11 GB.


Locate users.dbf file and check size.


This file determines DB size. Default Oracle install directory: C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\oradata\xe\users.dbf


Check the size of users.dbf vs. the overall size capacity of the Oracle version being used.


Issues will result if user.dbf is larger in size than Oracle version. Escalate DB issues immediately.

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Lexmark Cloud Services Escalation Requirements

The escalation requirements depend on the type of issue to be escalated.


RequirementsRelevanceHow to Obtain

PET version

This helps to verify if issue is reproducible in the lab, or if it is a known issue.

This can be seen in the title bar of the Printer Enrollment Tool, e.g. v2.2.0-2:

PET log

This gives more information about the cause of the issue.

(DET.log: From PET, go to Settings > View Current Log. Get this after setting it to Detailed and reproducing the error).

Device logs gzip in debug mode

This helps to show what is happening on the device side.

Open the SE page




and click on Logs Gzip Compressed.

Job Submission

The escalation requirement depends on how the job was submitted to the cloud.

a. Job submitted from the driver

RequirementsRelevanceHow to Obtain

Was the print job submitted using Cloud or Hybrid mode?

Helps determine which submission path was used.

Query customer to determine which print queue they used. Run "%programdata%\LPMC" and select all files in the folder and zip them.

File type being printed.

Helps determine if this is a driver or Cloud submittion issue.

Query customer to determine file being printed. Can also be determined from the LPMC.log file.

Error mesage

This is helpful when searching for the error string in the logs.

Take a screenshot or take note of the exact error message.

LPMC folder zipped.

This forms part of the client-side logs.

Run "%programdata%\LPMC" and select all files in the folder and zip them.

Driver Version

This will help in replicating the issue in the lab

Go to the Printer Properties and go to the About tab.

LPMC version

This will help in replicating the issue in the lab.

Go to the Control Panel > Programs and Features. Click on Lexmark Combined Print Management. Note the version shown in lower banner.


The driver data stream indicator (XL, PS or PCL) will follow the program name.

Windows Application and System Events

This forms part of the workstation logs for reference.

Open Event Viewer and under Windows Logs, right click on Applications and select "Save All Events As...". Do the same for System.


This will tell us all the system specs and the running services

Run "msinfo32" and click File > Save (.NFO)

User information

For faster searching in the logs

Ask the customer for the full username that was used to login to LPMC and the website.

b. From Chrome plugin

RequirementsRelevanceHow to Obtain

Error message/screenshot

This helps describe the issue more accurately

Reproduce the issue and hit Print Screen when the error comes up. You may also take note of the exact error message.

Chrome plugin version

For reference when replicating the issue in the lab

Right-click on the Lexmark Cloud Print icon on the toolbar and click on Manage Extensions.

Chrome / ChromeOS version

For reference when replicating the issue in the lab

The version can be seen on the Chrome browser's extensions page. Either navigate to chrome://extensions, or right-click on the extension and choose Manage Extensions to get there.

User information

For faster searching in the logs

Ask the customer for the full username that was used to login to LPMC and the website.

c. From Web Browser

RequirementsRelevanceHow to Obtain

Error message/screenshot

This helps describe the issue more accurately


Browser version

For reference when replicating the issue in the lab

Depending on the Browser, please see their corresponding references.

User information

For faster searching in the logs

Ask the customer for t he full username that was used to login to LPMC and the website.

File type being printed

Helps determine if the file type is supported by the Web submission method.

Query customer to determine file being printed.

d. From Mobile

RequirementsRelevanceHow to Obtain

Mobile app version

For reference when replicating the issue in the lab

In the mobile app, go to Settings > About

Error message (and screenshot if possible)

To describe the issue more accurately

Replicate the issue, then take a screenshot of the error. Please refer to your phone's documentation on how to take a screenshot.

User information

For faster searching in the logs

Ask the customer fort the full user name that was used to login to LPMC and the website.

Job Release

RequirementsRelevanceHow to Obtain

Was the print job submitted using Cloud or Hybrid mode?

Helps determine if this is a Cloud of Hybrid client issue.

Query the customer to determine which print queue they used.

Error message

This helps to describe the issue more accurately

Replicate the issue and take note of the exact error message. If there is no error, provide all relevant details of the issue.

Device logs gzip in debug mode

There may be more meaningful error messages here.

Go to the device's SE page (http://printer_address/se) and select Embedded Solutions Log > Set Logging Level > Yes > Submit.

Reproduce the issue, then on the same SE page, selects Logs Gzip Compressed.

User information

For faster searching in the logs

Ask the customer for the full username that was used to login to LPMC and the website.

CPM eSF application Versions

This helps to verify if issue is reproducible in the lab, or if it is a known issue.

Go to the device's application list. Note the versions of Cloud Authentication and Print Release eSF applications.


RequirementsRelevanceHow to Obtain

Error message / screenshot

This helps describe the issue more accurately

Replicate the issue and take a screenshot of the error. If the error is on the device, note the exact error message.

Account used

To determine if the case is account-related or not



RequirementsRelevanceHow to Obtain

Error essage / screenshot

This helps describe the issue more accurately

Replicate the issue and take a screenshot of the error. If the error is on the device, note the exact error message.

Account used

To determine if the case is account-related or not


Logs gzip of device

There may be logs here that is involved in the authentication process.

Go to the device's SE page (http://printer_address/se) and select Embedded Solutions Log > Set Logging Level > Yes > Submit.

Reproduce the issue, then on the same SE page, select Logs Gzip Compressed.

Web Account-related Issues

RequirementsRelevanceHow to Obtain

Clear description of the issue

This helps us determine where to start with the troubleshooting


Account used

To determine if the case is account-related or not


Roles/permission of the account used

To determine if the user had the role necessary to perform the action.

From the Cloud portal, click the down arrow in the top right corner next to the user's name, then click My Account.

Click View on the Assigned roles card.

Error message / screenshot

This helps describe the issue more accurately

Reproduce the isse and take a screenshot of the error.

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Lexmark Testing Assistant

RequirementsRelevanceHow to Obtain

Clear description of the issue, with screenshots if necessary

Required to start working on the issue


Account involved in the issue

To check if the issue is account-specific or not


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3rd Party Support

RequirementsRelevanceHow to Obtain

Mediation Service Installation of Windows service Log

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

Go to .\Lexmark\EmbeddedThirdParty\third-party-mediation-service\logs, and then obtain a copy of the ThirdPartyMediationService.<timestamp>.log.

Mediation Service run-time Log

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

Go to .\Lexmark\EmbeddedThirdParty\procrun\logs, and then obtain a copy of the third-party-mediation-service.log.

Lexmark Embedded Third Party Install Logs

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

Go to the following paths and then obtain the logs:

  • %programdata%\Lexmark\PrintManagement\logs\lpm_base_install.<timestamp>.log

  • %programdata%\Lexmark\PrintManagement\logs\lpm_management_console_install.<timestamp>.log

  • %programdata%\Lexmark\PrintManagement\logs\lpm_thirdparty_install.<timestamp>.log

Sentry Logs

Info is used for simulation and analysis.

  • From the Lexmark Embedded Third Party Management Console Logging tab, select "export", and then select "All Raw Logs". The logs will be zipped on the file system.

  • From the Lexmark Base, select a log from the User Interface (UI), and then export it.

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Publishing Platform for Retail (PPR)

Step 1

: Gather mandatory information below for ALL escalations.

  • Ask for complete Customer Information

    • Account Name

    • Account Address

    • Customer Name

    • Phone Number

    • Email Address


  • Always ask for the exact steps to reproduce the issue.

  • Print issues

    ( e.g. not getting output that is expected )

    • How many stores are affected?

    • What’s the expected/unexpected output? (capture screenshot)

    • Any error messages along with the unexpected print? (capture screenshot if it has error)

    • StoreID of affected store

    • Ask for Batch ID (capture screenshot)

    • Ask for Batch Name (capture screenshot)

    • Check how the batch been created or who created the batch

    • Ask for template name if possible

    • Try to print it output on PDF and capture the result

    • If it’s only for specific sign, ask for the exact name of sign

    • Get SIID from sign if possible

      • Edit view for sign should show the SIID in URL

  • Number of copies shows zero and not able to print it.

    • Ask for specific batch

    • Ask how the batch been created then check why the others are showing the number of copies and the one reported show’s zero.

    • Capture the specific batchID

    • Capture the specific batchName

    • Capture the StoreID of affected store

  • Request to modify or update a template

    • Ask for the exact template name that needs to be modified

    • Ask for a sample of the template that they expect

Print Control Issue


• InternetExplorer uses v9.5 & below (activeX control). • GoogleChrome uses v9.6 & above (Lexmark Publishing Platform Control service).

Uses v9.5 & below.

  • Make sure they have already added the PPR on browser as trusted site / Compatibility View Settings.

  • If print control uses ActiveXcontrol (v9.5 and below), Make sure its enabled and present on Browsers Add-ons

Uses v9.6 & above.

  • Make sure that Lexmark Print service is running and shows in system tray

  • Any error messages along when printing? (capture screenshot if it has an error)

    • Check if error happens only on specific batch

    • Ask for Batch ID (capture screenshot)

    • Ask for Batch Name (capture screenshot)

  • Capture print control logs.
    Make sure to set the log Level to Information then reproduce the issue.

    • Advanced

      > Network Setup > Log Level > View

  • Capture also the event viewer logs from the application server.

For PPR Cloud Customers:

  • Request to process uploaded file on FTP

    • Verify the files present on customers FTP site

    • Verify to the customer if it’s for staging/production

    • Inform L3/Cloud retail that customer got a request to process uploaded files on ftp.

Publishing Platform Manager:

  • Request to restore deleted batches

    • Verify if its only for specific store or all stores

    • Capture the exact batchname

    • Capture the exact batchID

    • From what store the batch been deleted?

  • Request to distribute a batch from one store another

    • Capture the store number where the batch will be distributed

    • Capture the exact batchname

    • Capture the exact batchID

  • FOR PPR CLOUD: Customers didn’t get (something) that they expected:

    • e.g. CSV Report

    • e.g. Vestcom FTP file

    • e.g. Rexall Distribution

    • Different customers have a variety of items

      • Ask what they expect to get and Documents necessary information and always check with L3 for assistance

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Still Need Help?

Have the following available when calling Lexmark Support:

  • Printer Model

  • Printer Serial Number

  • Software Enterprise Solution/s


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