Blocked Ports and Processes Affecting MarkVision's Ability to Communicate over a Network

Overviewand Article Contents

This article describes the ports and protocols used by MarkVisionā„¢ Professional (MVP). Any network firewall blocking these ports between any MVP version server and a client/remote device will break basic functionality, such as discovery, policies, job accounting, etc.

Identify the failing communication path for MVP and consult or contact your firewall provider or manufacturer for additional troubleshooting assistance.

  1. MarkVision's Server to Device Communication

  2. D

    evice to MarkVision Server Communication

  3. MarkVision to ODBC Database Communication

  4. MarkVision Client and Server Communication

  5. MarkVision Messenger Communication

  6. Other Communication

  1. MarkVision's Server to Device Communication

ProtocolMarkVision ServerDeviceUsed For
Network Printer Alliance Protocol(NPAP)Ephemeral UDP portUDP 9300Communication with Lexmark network printers
XML Network Transport (Object Store) (XMLNT)Ephemeral UDP and TCP portsUDP 6000TCP 5000Communication with Lexmark network printers
Lexmark Secure Transport (LST)UDP 6100Ephemeral TCP port (handshaking)UDP 6100TCP 6110 (handshaking)Encrypted communication with Lexmark network printers
Multicast DNS (mDNS)Ephemeral UDP portUDP 5353Discovery of certain Lexmark network printers and determining the security capabilities of devices
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)Ephemeral UDP portUDP 161Discovery of and communication with Lexmark and third-party network printers
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)Ephemeral TCP portTCP 21Generic file download
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)Ephemeral UDP portUDP 69Firmware upgrades and generic file download
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)Ephemeral TCP portTCP 80Generic file download
Raw Print PortEphemeral TCP portTCP 9100Generic file download
Service Location Protocol (SLP)UDP 427UDP 427Server-initiated device discovery

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  1. Device to MarkVision Server Communication

ProtocolDeviceMarkVision ServerUsed for
Network Printer Alliance Protocol (NPAP) UDP 9300Ephemeral UDP portGenerating alerts and performing the required processing
Service Location Protocol SLP Ephemeral UDP PortUDP 427Asynchronous device discovery

  1. MarkVision to ODBC Database Communication

ProtocolMarkVision ServerDatabaseUsed for
N/AEphemeral TCP portTCP 1521(Oracle) Writing data to an Oracle database
N/AEphemeral TCP portTCP 1433(SQLServer) Writing data to an SQL Server database

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  1. MarkVision Client and Server Communication

Communication between clients and the MarkVision Server is based on Java RMI (Remote Method Invocation) technology. MVP uses randomly selected ports on the server to communicate to devices and MVP leaves the specifics of ports selection to the underlying java virtual machine. This facilitates its multi-threaded functionality.

The initial binding for a client-server session occurs on the 9188 port on the server side. All successive calls are made through Ephemeral ports on either side.

MarkVision Client

Protocol MarkVision ClientMarkVision ServerUsed for
RMI over TCP Remote Method Invocation over TCPEphemeral TCP portTCP 9188 (Ephemeral port)

Establishing the initial RMI session

Afterwards, successive communication is done through Ephemeral ports on both sides


Service Location Protocol
Ephemeral UDP portUDP 9184 (Ephemeral port)Client discovery of the MarkVision Server


MarkVision Server Web Interface

ProtocolBrowserMarkVision Web ServerUsed for
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Ephemeral TCP portTCP 9180Launching the Web Server and its associated functionality (such as Messenger and the Web Client)

MarkVision Telnet Client

ProtocolTelnet ClientMarkVision ServerUsed For
TelnetEphemeral TCP portTCP 9189Establishing Telnet sessions with the MarkVision Server

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  1. MarkVision Messenger Communication

ProtocolMarkVision ServerSMTP ServerUsed For
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)Ephemeral TCP portTCP 25Providing the e-mail functionality used to receive alerts from devices

  1. Other Communication


Queue Management

ProtocolMarkVision ServerPrint ServerUsed For
Network Basic Input/Output System (Net BIOS)Ephemeral TCP and UDP ports
  • TCP 445
  • UDP 137
  • UDP 139
Installing drivers and creating queues on a remote computer

MarkVision Server to LDAP Server Communication

This type of communication is used for user groups and authentication functionality.

ProtocolMarkVision ServerLDAP ServerUsed For
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access ProtocolEphemeral TCP portTCP 389 (or whatever the LDAP server has been configured to listen to)Authentication of MVP users using an LDAP server
LDAPS Secure Lightweight Directory Access ProtocolEphemeral TCP portTCP 636 (SSL) (or whatever the LDAP server has been configured to listen to; for SSL encrypted connections)Authentication of MVP users using an LDAP server through a secure channel using SSL
KerberosEphemeral UDP portUDP 88 (the default Kerberos Authentication Service port)Kerberos authentication

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Still Need Help?

Please contact Lexmark Technical Support if you need additional assistance.
When calling for support, you will be asked for your machine/model type and Serial Number (SN).

Please call from near the printer in case the technician on the phone asks you to perform a task involving the printer.


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