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Markvision Enterprise

Markvision Enterprise

Backing up and restoring the database

Note:  There is potential data loss when performing backup and restore procedures. Make sure to perform the steps properly.

    Backing up the database and application files

    We recommend backing up your database regularly.

  1. Stop the Firebird service and the Markvision Enterprise service.

    1. Open the Run dialog box, and then type services.msc.

    2. Right‑click Firebird Guardian - DefaultInstance, and then click Stop.

    3. Right‑click Markvision Enterprise, and then click Stop.

  2. Browse to the folder where Markvision Enterprise is installed.

    For example, C:\Program Files\

  3. Back up the application and database files.

    Backing up the application files

    Copy the following files to a safe repository:

    • Lexmark\mve_encryption.jceks
    • Lexmark\mve_truststore.p12
    • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\dm-mve\WEB-INF\classes\
    • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\dm-mve\WEB-INF\classes\
    • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\dm-mve\WEB-INF\classes\
    • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\library
    • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\mve-data-service\WEB-INF\classes\
    • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\mve-data-service\WEB-INF\classes\
    • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\jre\lib\security\cacerts
    • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\tomcat\conf\server.xml
    • Note:  Make sure that these files are properly stored. Without the encryption keys in the mve_encryption.jceks file, data stored in an encrypted format in the database and on the file system cannot be recovered.

    Backing up the database files

    Do either of the following:

    Note:  The following files are using the default database names. These instructions also apply to customized database names.

    • If you are using a Firebird database, then copy the following files to a safe repository. These files must be backed up regularly to avoid data loss.
      • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\firebird\security2.fdb
      • If you are using custom database names, then update the following:

        • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\dm-mve\WEB-INF\classes\
        • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\mve-data-service\WEB-INF\classes\
        • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\mve-data-service/WEB-INF\classes\application.yml
        • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\firebird\aliases.conf
      • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\firebird\data\QUARTZ.FDB
      • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\firebird\data\MONITOR.FDB
      • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\firebird\data\FRAMEWORK.FDB
    • If you are using Microsoft SQL Server, then create a backup for FRAMEWORK, MONITOR, and QUARTZ.
    • For more information, contact your Microsoft SQL Server administrator.
  4. Restart the Firebird service and the Markvision Enterprise service.

    1. Open the Run dialog box, and then type services.msc.

    2. Right‑click Firebird Guardian - DefaultInstance, and then click Restart.

    3. Right‑click Markvision Enterprise, and then click Restart.

    Restoring the database and application files

    Warning—Potential Damage:  When you upgrade MVE, the database may be changed. Do not restore a database backup that was created from a previous version.

  1. Stop the Markvision Enterprise service.

    For more information, see step 1 of Backing up and restoring the database.

  2. Browse to the folder where Markvision Enterprise is installed.

    For example, C:\Program Files\

  3. Restore the application files.

    Replace the following files with the files that you saved during the backup process:

    • Lexmark\mve_encryption.jceks
    • Lexmark\mve_truststore.p12
    • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\dm-mve\WEB-INF\classes\
    • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\dm-mve\WEB-INF\classes\
    • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\dm-mve\WEB-INF\classes\
    • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\library
    • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\mve-data-service\WEB-INF\classes\
    • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\mve-data-service\WEB-INF\classes\
    • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\jre\lib\security\cacerts
    • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\tomcat\conf\server.xml

    Note:  You can restore a database backup to a new MVE installation only if the new MVE installation is the same version.

  4. Restore the database files.

    Do either of the following:

    • If you are using a Firebird database, then replace the following files that you saved during the backup process:
    • Note:  The following files are using the default database names. This instruction also applies to customized database names.

      • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\firebird\security2.fdb
      • If you are using custom database names, then the following files are also restored:

        • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\dm-mve\WEB-INF\classes\
        • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\mve-data-service\WEB-INF\classes\
        • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\apps\mve-data-service/WEB-INF\classes\application.yml
        • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\firebird\aliases.conf
      • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\firebird\data\QUARTZ.FDB
      • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\firebird\data\MONITOR.FDB
      • Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\firebird\data\FRAMEWORK.FDB
    • If you are using Microsoft SQL Server, then contact your Microsoft SQL Server administrator.
  5. Restart the Markvision Enterprise service.

    For more information, see step 4 of Backing up and restoring the database.

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