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Sending print jobs to a print management server


  • These instructions apply only to users whose organization has a Lexmark Print Management On‑Premises server setup or Lexmark Cloud Services subscription.
  • To send print jobs to a print management server, you must be logged in to the server.
  • Some third‑party applications may not support the share feature. For more information, see the application support information.
  • Some print settings are not available when Lexmark Print Management On‑Premises server policies are in effect.
  • Some file types are not supported. For the list of supported file types, see Supported file types.

    Sending a document

  1. Do either of the following:

    • Open the document.
    • From the mobile device file manager, select a document.
    • Note:  You can select one or more documents.

  2. Share the document, and then select Print with Lexmark.

  3. Select a server, and then if necessary, change the print settings. For more information, see Understanding the print settings.

  4. Tap PRINT.

    Sending from the camera

  1. From the application home screen, tap Camera.

    Note:  Allow the application to access the camera and storage.

  2. Take a photo. Depending on your device, tap OK or Use Photo.

  3. Select a server, and then if necessary, change the print settings. For more information, see Understanding the print settings.

  4. Tap PRINT.

    Sending a photo

  1. From the application home screen, tap Photos.

    Note:  Allow the application to access the gallery.

  2. Select a photo from your gallery.

  3. Select a server, and then if necessary, change the print settings. For more information, see Understanding the print settings.

  4. Tap PRINT.

    Sending a web page

  1. From the application home screen, tap Web.

  2. Type the URL, and then tap PRINT WEB PAGE.

  3. Select a server, and then if necessary, change the print settings. For more information, see Understanding the print settings.

  4. Tap PRINT.

    Sending from the file manager

  1. From the application home screen, tap Files.

    Note:  Allow the application to access the storage.

  2. Select a file.

  3. Select a server, and then if necessary, change the print settings. For more information, see Understanding the print settings.

  4. Tap PRINT.

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