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Markvision Enterprise

Markvision Enterprise

Configuring general settings

  1. Click on the upper‑right corner of the page.

  2. Click General, and then select a host name source.

    • Printer—The system retrieves the host name from the printer.
    • Reverse DNS Lookup—The system retrieves the host name from the DNS table using the IP address.
  3. Set the alert reregistration frequency.

    Note:  Printers may lose the alert registration state when changes are made, such as rebooting or updating the firmware. MVE attempts to recover the state automatically on the next interval set in the alert reregistration frequency.

  4. Configure the following system log settings:

    • System log cleanup start time—The time when the cleanup of system or task logs starts.
    • System log retention period (weeks)—The number of weeks that system logs are stored in the database.
    • Note:  Entries stored in the database for more than 52 weeks are removed.

    • System log archive—Allows the system to archive the system logs and the encoded entries on the file system. The destination and format of the archive files are defined in the log4j2.xml file.
  5. Click Save Changes.

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