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Lexmark XM3142

FTP Defaults

Menu itemDescription

Note:  An asterisk (*) next to a value indicates the factory default setting.


  • JPEG (.jpg)
  • PDF (.pdf)*
  • TIFF (.tif)
  • XPS (.xps)
  • TXT (.txt)
  • RTF (.rtf)
  • DOCX (.docx)
  • XLSX (.xlsx)
  • CSV (.csv)

Specify the file format for the scanned image.

    Global OCR Settings

  • Recognized Languages
  • Auto Rotate (Off*)
  • Despeckle (Off*)
  • Auto Contrast Enhance (Off*)

Configure the settings for optical character recognition (OCR).

Note:  This menu item appears only if you have purchased and installed an OCR solution.

    PDF Settings

  • PDF Version (1.5*)
  • Archival Version (A‑1a*)
  • Highly Compressed (Off*)
  • Secure (Off*)
  • Searchable (Off*)
  • Archival (PDF/A) (Off*)

Configure the PDF settings for the scanned image.


  • Archival Version and Archival (PDF/A) are supported only when PDF Version is set to 1.4.
  • Highly Compressed appears only when an intelligent storage drive (ISD) is installed.

    Content Type

  • Text
  • Text/Photo*
  • Graphics
  • Photo

Improve the output result based on the content type of the original document.


  • Black and White
  • Gray
  • Color*
  • Auto

Set the printer to capture file content in color or in mono.


  • 75 dpi
  • 150 dpi*
  • 200 dpi
  • 300 dpi
  • 400 dpi
  • 600 dpi

Set the resolution of the scanned image.


  • 1–9 (5*)

Adjust the darkness of the scanned image.


  • Portrait*
  • Landscape

Specify the orientation of the original document.

    Original Size

  • Mixed Sizes*

Set the paper size of the original document.


  • Off*
  • Long Edge
  • Short Edge

Specify the orientation when scanning on both sides of the document.

    File Name

Specify the file name of the scanned image.

Advanced Imaging
Menu itemDescription

Note:  An asterisk (*) next to a value indicates the factory default setting.

    Color Balance

  • Cyan ‑ Red (0*)
  • Magenta ‑ Green (0*)
  • Yellow ‑ Blue (0*)

Adjust the color intensity for cyan, magenta, and yellow.

    Auto Color Detect

  • Color Sensitivity (5*)
  • Area Sensitivity (5*)
  • FTP Bit Depth (1 bit*)
  • Minimum Scan Resolution (300 dpi*)

Configure the auto color detection setting.


  • Best for Content*
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Specify the contrast for the scanned image.

    Background Removal

  • Level (0*)

Remove the background color or image noise from the original document.

    Scan Edge to Edge

  • Off*
  • On

Allow edge‑to‑edge scanning of the original document.

Admin Controls
Menu itemDescription

Note:  An asterisk (*) next to a value indicates the factory default setting.

    Text Default

  • 5–95 (75*)

Set the quality of text on the scanned image.

    Text/Photo Default

  • 5–95 (75*)

Set the quality of text and photo on the scanned image.

    Photo Default

  • 5–95 (50*)

Set the quality of photo on the scanned image.

    Transmission Log

  • Print Log*
  • Do Not Print Log
  • Print Only For Error

Print a transmission log for FTP scans.

    Log Paper Source

  • Tray [x] (1*)
  • Multipurpose Feeder

Specify the paper source for printing FTP logs.

    Custom Job Scanning

  • Off*
  • On

Set the printer to scan the first set of original documents using the specified settings, and then scan the next set with the same or different settings.

Note:  This menu item appears only when an ISD is installed.

    Scan Preview

  • Off*
  • On

Show a preview of the original document.

Note:  This menu item appears only when an ISD is installed.

    Allow Save as Shortcut

  • Off
  • On*

Save an FTP address as a shortcut.
