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Lexmark XC9335


Menu itemDescription

Note:  An asterisk (*) next to a value indicates the factory default setting.

    Duplicate Key Strike Interval

  • 0–5 (0*)

Set the interval in seconds during which the printer ignores duplicate key presses on an attached keyboard.

    Key Repeat Initial Delay

  • 0.25–5 (1*)

Set the initial length of delay in seconds before a repeating key starts repeating.

Note:  This menu item appears only when a keyboard is attached to the printer.

    Key Repeat Rate

  • 0.5–30 (30*)

Set the number of presses per second for a repeating key.

Note:  This menu item appears only when a keyboard is attached to the printer.

    Prolong Screen Timeout

  • Off*
  • On

Let the user remain in the same location and reset the Screen Timeout timer when it expires instead of returning to the home screen.

    Headphone Volume

  • 1–10 (5*)

Adjust the headphone volume.

Note:  This menu item appears only when a headphone is attached to the printer.

    Enable Voice Guidance When Headphone Is Attached

  • Off*
  • On

Enable Voice Guidance when a headphone is attached to the printer.

    Speak Passwords/PINs

  • Off*
  • On

Set the printer to read out loud passwords or personal identification numbers.

Note:  This menu item appears only when a headphone or a speaker is attached to the printer.

    Speech Rate

  • Very Slow
  • Slow
  • Normal*
  • Fast
  • Faster
  • Very Fast
  • Rapid
  • Very Rapid
  • Fastest

Set the Voice Guidance speech rate.

Note:  This menu item appears only when a headphone or a speaker is attached to the printer.
