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Lexmark Cloud Services

Lexmark Cloud Services

Fleet Management roles

The Fleet Management Administrator and File Service Administrator roles must be assigned to users who access the Fleet Management portal and enroll and manage printers

Note:  You must have the User Administrator or Organization Administrator role to assign these roles to users.

Fleet Management roles for channel partners

Channel partners who manage printers in their customers’ organizations must be members of a Child Organization Access Group. The group must have the Fleet Management Administrator and File Service Administrator roles assigned to it.


  • You must have the User Administrator or Organization Administrator role to create and manage Child Organization Access Groups.
  • Roles assigned through membership in a Child Organization Access Group apply across all customer organizations.

    Creating Child Organization Access Groups

  1. From the Account Management portal, click Groups tab.

  2. Click the Child Organization Access tab.

  3. Click Create.

  4. In the Group name field, type the name of the group, and then click Create Group.

  5. Click the name of the group.

  6. Click Add or Add Members.

  7. Select one or more members, and then click Add Members.

  8. Click the Group Roles tab.

  9. Click Assign.

    Note:  By default, the Partner Administrator role is assigned to all Child Organization Access Groups.

  10. From the Custom Roles list, select Fleet Management Administrator and File Service Administrator roles, and then click Assign Roles.

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