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Markvision Enterprise

Markvision Enterprise

Importing certificates

    Import the root certificate, signer certificate, vault certificate, and SCEP certificate into the database with the appropriate tokens.

    Run the following commands:

  1. openxpkiadm certificate import --file /etc/certs/openxpki_ca-one/ca-root-1.crt

  2. openxpkiadm certificate import --file /etc/certs/openxpki_ca-one/ca-signer-1.crt --realm ca-one --token certsign

  3. openxpkiadm certificate import --file /etc/certs/openxpki_ca-one/scep-1.crt --realm ca-one --token scep

  4. openxpkiadm certificate import --file /etc/certs/openxpki_ca-one/vault-1.crt --realm ca-one --token datasafe

  5. Check whether the import is successful using openxpkiadm alias --realm ca-one.

    Sample output

    === functional token ===
    scep (scep):
    Alias    : scep-1
    Identifier: YsBNZ7JYTbx89F_-Z4jn_RPFFWo
    NotBefore : 2015-01-30 20:44:40
    NotAfter  : 2016-01-30 20:44:40
    vault (datasafe):
    Alias    : vault-1
    Identifier: lZILS1l6Km5aIGS6pA7P7azAJic
    NotBefore : 2015-01-30 20:44:40
    NotAfter  : 2016-01-30 20:44:40
    ca-signer (certsign):
    Alias    : ca-signer-1
    Identifier: Sw_IY7AdoGUp28F_cFEdhbtI9pE
    NotBefore : 2015-01-30 20:44:40
    NotAfter  : 2018-01-29 20:44:40
    === root ca ===
    current root ca:
    Alias     : root-1
    Identifier: fVrqJAlpotPaisOAsnxa9cglXCc
    NotBefore : 2015-01-30 20:44:39
    NotAfter  : 2020-01-30 20:44:39
    upcoming root ca:
      not set
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