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Scan to Network

Scan to Network

Scan to Network: Unable to Connect to Network folder Due to Incorrect Network Path


Issue description

The Scan to Network app is no longer able to connect to the network folder after moving the network path to a new location or switching from SMBv1 to SMBv3, or vice versa.

The logs will show the full path, followed by the app's attempt to mount the root path (instead of the full path). For example:

20190306 08:17:40.675 debug #105cifs - ldapValue=>\\dor.wa.loc\Home\Home3\stcis140< 20190306 08:17:41.945 debug #82smbclientservice - Executing command: /bin/lexnqdrv /var/tmp/nqmnt_59c130bf-7269-41ce-9819-a0aa37556286 //dor.wa.loc/Home -o -u stcis140 -d dor !

The app tries to connect to \\dor.wa.loc\Home rather than \\dor.wa.loc\Home\Home3\stcis140.

Additional identifier

Any, or mostly a combination, of the following symptoms can indicate the presence of this issue:

  • User sees the error: " There was an error writing to your Network Share. Please validate your configuration for this destination and retry this job."
  • Logs show any of the following
    • " An error occurred while writing to your network share. Check the configuration for this destination and resend this print job."
    • " Access denied"
    • " Try logging in as a domain user having an admin privilege"
  • " Authentication failed" appears to the user. ( SNF 4.9.7)
  • DFS related issues
  • NetApp related issues
  • homeDirectory related issues
  • SMB related issues
  • SNF version is 4.8.8, 4.9.5,,, 4.9.7. (These versions have varying support/fix to this issue.)

Possible cause

The Scan to Network app tries to connect to the root path, instead of the full path indicated in app configuration.


Step 1. Use Scan To Network to fix the folder path connection issue.

Step 2. Check whether the user has the appropriate write/modify permissions to the network folder.

The user is not required to have read permissions to the root path, only to the exact full path indicated in the configuration.

Still need help?

If you need additional assistance, please close this browser tab or go to the Lexmark support site, type your printer model and locate

Get in Touch with Lexmark! for contact information.
When calling for support, you will need the following:

  • Name and version of the solution
  • Affected printer model/s
  • Printer serial number

Please be near the product/s described in this article to expedite the support process and reduce callbacks.


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