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Markvision Enterprise

Markvision Enterprise

Fixing Markvision Enterprise database lock exception

Issue description

Symptoms of this issue include:

  • After upgrading and/or restarting Markvision Enterprise (MVE), attempts to access the web page show a 404 Not Found error
  • Unable to login to Markvision Enterprise web page: Login Failed. Reenter Username and/or Password

To determine if the cause of the failing symptom is an unreleased database lock, check the Markvision Enterprise server logs in the .\Program Files\Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\tomcat\logs directory. If there are errors in the mve-stderr.{DATE.EN_US}.log file like:

  • Error deploying deployment descriptor [C:\Program Files\Lexmark\Markvision Enterprise\tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost\mve-data-service.xml]
  • java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error starting child
  • liquibase.exception.LockException: Could not acquire change log lock.

This is a good indication that a lock was placed on one or multiple databases (i.e. FRAMEWORK, MONITOR & QUARTZ) but was not released by the calling process.


Before proceeding, ensure that a good back-up of the application and database are available.

The following steps are for FRAMEWORK database assuming lock is not released from there. Please keep in mind that similar steps may need to be performed for MONITOR and/or QUARTZ database(s) if same problem is there.

For MSSQL Database users, perform the following steps:

  1. On the server hosting the Markvision Enterprise application, Stop Markvision Enterprise Service.

  2. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the SQL Server hosting the Markvision Enterprise databases, expand the Databases folder and locate and expand the Framework database folder. Expand the Tables folder, then locate and select the dbo.DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table. Right click the table, then choose Select Top 1000 Rows from the context menu. If there is an entry showing the LOCKED field with a value set to 1, this indicates the database lock was not released.

  3. In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, select New Query from the tool bar (or from the menu bar, File > New > New query with current connection).

  4. Enter the following SQL statement:

    • UPDATE [framework].[dbo].[DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK]
    • set [framework].[dbo].[DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK].[LOCKED] = 0,
    • where [framework].[dbo].[DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK].[LOCKED] = 1;
  5. After the entering the values above, press F5 or click on the Execute button.

  6. Go back to services.msc and Start Markvision Enterprise Services.

For Firebird Database users, perform the following steps:

  1. On the server hosting the Markvision Enterprise application, Stop Markvision Enterprise Service.

  2. Dowload and install Flamerobin on the server hosting the Markvision Enterprise application.

  3. Register the database by performing the following steps:

    • From Flamerobin, right-click on Localhost and left-click on Register Existing Database.
    • Enter the values below for the fields specified:
      • Display name: FRAMEWORK
      • Database Path: .\Program Files\Lexmark\MarkVision Enterprise\firebird\data\framework.fdb
      • Authentication: (Use Saved Username and Password)
      • Username: (DB user) Password: (DB password)
      • Charset: NONE role: <blank>
    • Click Save.

  4. Once Framework appears under Localhost, left-click on the (+) sign. Look for Tables, and then left-click on the (+) sign.

  5. Look for the DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table, select and right-click the table. From the context menu, select Browse Data. If an entry shows the LOCKED column field set to 1, select Execute SQL Statements from the Database menu.

  6. In the Execute SQL Statements window, enter the following command:

    • set a.LOCKED = 0,
    • a.LOCKGRANTED = null,
    • a.LOCKEDBY = null
    • where a.LOCKED = 1;

    Then click Execute (play sign or F4 key), then Commit (check button or F5 key)

  7. Go back to services.msc and Start Markvision Enterprise Services.

  8. If the issues persists, call Lexmark Technical Support and provide the MVE version and upgrade history.

    See the following instructions to obtain the MVE version and upgrade history.

    Requirement and relevanceHow to obtain

    Menu Settings Page


    This document contains all the printer settings and running firmware code.

    • Using the printer Control Panel - On the printer, press Menu > Reports > Menu Settings Page.
    • Using the Embedded Web Server (EWS) - Access the printer's EWS, go to Reports > Device Settings. Copy and paste the displayed information to a notepad or text editor.

    Note:  See HO3647 for more information.

    MVE version and upgrade history


    The information is used for simulation and analysis.

    See application "About" in the lower left-hand corner of the MVE User Interface, and obtain the MVE version and build information.

    Logs folder


    This folder contains all MVE‑related logs.

    1. Locate the MVE default install directory and find the Tomcat Logs folder. The typical path would be C:\Program Files > Lexmark > MVE > Tomcat > Logs folder.

    2. Add all of the log files to a ZIP archive to be sent to Lexmark Technical Support.

    Database used; specify the version

    Note:  For example, Firebird, MS SQL Server


    This is useful information when evaluating possible database issues.

    If you performed the default installation, this database will default to Firebird. Otherwise, most administrators will know if they have installed and configured the database for Microsoft SQL Server.

    Specify the corresponding models for the number of printers affected


    The information is used for simulation and analysis.

    Provide an approximation if the exact number of printers cannot be determined.

    For example, Customer's Fleet Total - 1000 E360s, 500 X466s, and 250 MX711s, etc.

    Exported System Information


    This file contains comprehensive information about a computer's configuration.

    From the Start Menu, navigate to Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Information.

    Screenshots of the problem


    The information is used for simulation and analysis.

Note:  The third-party product discussed in this article is manufactured by companies that are independent of Lexmark. Lexmark makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the performance or reliability of these products.



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