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Lexmark Cloud Services

Lexmark Cloud Services

Local Agent is not reporting the correct printer information

Issue description

The Cloud Fleet Management (CFM) Local Agent is not able to obtain the serial number from some locally connected printer. This results in data from the USB connected printers to not report correctly.


  • The issue was resolved in Local Agent v2.2.2.0. Please refer to this article for the steps in Updating the Local Agent.
  • If child organizations are created for end‑users, refer to the following steps:
    1. Select the All Organizations view.

    2. Use the Agent Type filter option on the left side of the page.

      These filters the printer list to those connected by a Local Agent.

    3. Click on the organization name of a printer.

      This will open to the organization’s printer list.

    4. Click on the Agents tab, then click on the Local Agents tab.

    5. Select all the communicating Local Agents that are below version

      • Local Agents that are currently communicating have a green check or tick mark in front of their name.
      • If non-communicating Local Agents exist, they will need to be updated once they resume communicating.
    6. Click the Update button.

    Note:  Repeat these steps for each child organization that has a Local Agent.

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