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Lexmark Cloud Services

Lexmark Cloud Services

Setting up attributes and claims

The screenshots may vary depending on the latest release

  1. On the SAML‑based Sign‑on page, in the Attributes & Claims section, click Edit.

  2. Click Add new claim.

  3. Configure the following:

    • Unique User Identifier (Name ID)—user.userprincipalname
    • Note:  This claim is required in Entra ID.

    • Email—user.mail
    • Givenname—user.givenname
    • Surname—user.surname

    Note:  These claims are required by Lexmark Cloud Services.

    Setting up optional attributes and claims

  1. On the Attributes & Claims page, click Add new claim.

  2. On the Manage claim page, do the following:

    1. In the Name field, type the name of the claim.

      Note:  The value does not need to be a strict URI pattern, based on the SAML specification. If you need a URI pattern, then you type it in the Namespace field.

    2. Select the source from where the claim retrieves the value.

      Note:  You can either select a user attribute or apply a transformation to the user attribute before setting it as a claim.

Lexmark Cloud Services supports the following optional claims:

  • Department
  • Cost Center
  • Badge
  • PIN
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