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Lexmark CS410

Lexmark CS410

Utilities menu


    Format Flash

  • Yes
  • No

Format the flash memory.

Warning—Potential Damage:  Do not turn off the printer while the flash memory is being formatted.


  • Yes deletes all data stored in flash memory.
  • No cancels the format request.
  • Flash memory refers to the memory added by installing a flash memory card in the printer.
  • The flash memory option card must not be read/write‑ or write‑protected.
  • This menu item appears only when a non‑defective flash memory card is installed.

    Activate Hex Trace

Assist in isolating the source of a print job problem.


  • When activated, all data sent to the printer is printed in hexadecimal and character representation, and control codes are not executed.
  • To exit or deactivate Hex Trace, turn off or reset the printer.

    Coverage Estimator

  • Off
  • On

Provide an estimate of the percentage coverage of toner on a page. The estimate is printed on a separate page at the end of each print job.

Note:  Off is the factory default setting.

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