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Lexmark CS410

Lexmark CS410

General Settings menu


    Display Language

  • English
  • Francais
  • Deutsch
  • Italiano
  • Espanol
  • Dansk
  • Norsk
  • Nederlands
  • Svenska
  • Portugues
  • Suomi
  • Russian
  • Polski
  • Greek
  • Magyar
  • Turkce
  • Cesky
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Korean
  • Japanese

Set the language of the text appearing on the display.

Note:  Not all languages are available for all models. You may need to install special hardware for some languages.

    Show Supply Estimates

  • Show estimates
  • Do not show estimates

View the estimates of the supplies on the control panel, Embedded Web Server, menu settings, and device statistics reports.

Note:  Show estimates is the factory default setting.


  • Off
  • Energy
  • Energy/Paper
  • Paper

Minimize the use of energy, paper, or specialty media.


  • Off is the factory default setting. This resets the printer to its factory default settings.
  • When setting Eco Mode to Energy or Paper, performance may be affected, but print quality is not.

    Quiet Mode

  • Off
  • On

Minimize the printer noise.

Note:  Off is the factory default setting.

    Run Initial Setup

  • Yes
  • No

Run the setup wizard.


  • Keyboard Type
    • English
    • Francais
    • Francais Canadien
    • Deutsch
    • Italiano
    • Espanol
    • Greek
    • Dansk
    • Norsk
    • Nederlands
    • Svenska
    • Suomi
    • Portugues
    • Russian
    • Polski
    • Swiss German
    • Swiss French
    • Korean
    • Magyar
    • Turkce
    • Cesky
    • Simplified Chinese
    • Traditional Chinese
    • Japanese
  • Custom Key  [x]

Specify a language and custom key information for the display keyboard.

    Paper Sizes

  • U.S.
  • Metric

Specify the unit of measurement for paper sizes.


  • U.S. is the factory default setting.
  • The initial setting is determined by your country or region selection in the initial setup wizard.

    Displayed Information

  • Left Side
  • Right Side
  • Custom Text  [x]

Specify what is displayed on the upper corners of the home screen.

    For Left side and Right side, select from the following options:

  • None
  • IP Address
  • Hostname
  • Contact Name
  • Location
  • Date/Time
  • mDNS/DDNS Service Name
  • Zero Configuration Name
  • Custom Text [x]
  • Model Name


  • IP Address is the factory default setting for Left Side.
  • Date/Time is the factory default setting for Right Side.

    Displayed Information (continued)

  • Black Toner
  • Cyan Toner
  • Magenta Toner
  • Yellow Toner
  • Waste Toner Bottle
  • Fuser
  • Transfer Module

Customize the displayed information for the supplies.

    Select from the following options:

  • When to display
    • Do not display
    • Display
  • Message to display
    • Default
    • Alternate
  • Default
    • [text entry]
  • Alternate
    • [text entry]


    • Do not display is the factory default setting for When to display.
    • Default is the factory default setting for Message to display.

    Displayed Information (continued)

  • Paper Jam
  • Load Paper
  • Service Errors

Customize the displayed information for certain menus.

    Select from the following options:

  • Display
    • Yes
    • No
  • Message to display
    • Default
    • Alternate
  • Default
    • [text entry]
  • Alternate
    • [text entry]


  • No is the factory default setting for Display.
  • Default is the factory default setting for Message to display.

    Home screen customization

  • Change Language
  • Search Held Jobs
  • Held Jobs
  • USB Drive
  • Profiles and Apps
  • Bookmarks
  • Jobs by User
  • Forms and Favorites
  • Background and Idle Screen
  • Eco-Settings

Change the icons that appear on the home screen.

    For each icon, select from the following options:

  • Display
  • Do Not display

    Date Format


Format the date.

Note:  MM‑DD‑YYYY is the U.S. factory default setting. DD-MM-YYYY is the international factory default setting.

    Time Format

  • 12 hour A.M./P.M.
  • 24 hour clock

Format the time.

Note:  12 hour A.M./P.M. is the factory default setting.

    Screen Brightness

  • 20–100

Specify the brightness of the display.

Note:  100 is the factory default setting.

    Audio Feedback

  • Button Feedback
    • On
    • Off
  • Volume
    • 1–10

Set the audio volume for the buttons.


  • On is the factory default setting for Button Feedback.
  • 5 is the factory default setting for Volume.

    Show Bookmarks

  • Yes
  • No

Specify whether bookmarks are displayed from the Held Jobs area.

Note:  Yes is the factory default setting.

    Web Page Refresh Rate

  • 30–300

Specify the number of seconds between Embedded Web Server refreshes.

Note:  120 is the factory default setting.

    Contact Name

Specify a contact name.

Note:  The contact name is stored on the Embedded Web Server.


Specify the location.

Note:  The location is stored on the Embedded Web Server.


  • Alarm Control
  • Cartridge Alarm

Set an alarm when the printer requires user intervention.

    For each alarm type, select from the following options:

  • Off
  • Single
  • Continuous


  • Single is the factory default setting. This sounds three quick beeps.
  • Continuous repeats three beeps every 10 seconds.


  • Standby Mode
    • Disabled
    • 1–240

Set the amount of time in minutes before the printer enters a lower power state.

Note:  15 is the factory default setting.


  • Sleep Mode
    • Disabled
    • 1–120

Set the amount of time in minutes the printer waits after a job is printed before it goes into a reduced power state.


  • 20 is the factory default setting.
  • Lower settings conserve more energy, but may require longer warm‑up times.
  • Select the lowest setting if the printer shares an electrical circuit with room lighting or you notice lights flickering in the room.
  • Select a high setting if the printer is in constant use. Under most circumstances, this keeps the printer ready to print with minimum warm‑up time.
  • Disabled appears only if Energy Conserve is set to Off.


  • Print with Display Off
    • Allow printing with display off
    • Display on when printing

Print a job with the display turned off.

Note:  Display on when printing is the factory default setting.


  • Hibernate Timeout
    • Disabled
    • 20 minutes
    • 1–3 hours
    • 6 hours
    • 1–3 days
    • 1–2 weeks
    • 1 month

Set the amount of time the printer waits before it enters Hibernate mode.

Note:  3 days is the factory default setting.

    Hibernate Timeout on Connection

  • Hibernate
  • Do Not Hibernate

Set the printer to Hibernate mode even if there is an active Ethernet connection.


  • Hibernate is the factory default setting.
  • The fax function is available only in some printer models.


  • Screen Timeout
    • 15–300

Set the amount of time in seconds before returning the control panel to a Ready state.

Note:  30 is the factory default setting.


  • Print Timeout
    • Disabled
    • 1–255

Set the amount of time in seconds the printer waits to receive an end‑of‑job message before canceling the rest of the print job.


  • 90 is the factory default setting.
  • When the timer expires, any partially printed page still in the printer is printed, and then the printer checks to see if any new print jobs are waiting.
  • Print Timeout is available only when using PCL emulation.


  • Wait Timeout
    • Disabled
    • 15–65535

Set the amount of time in seconds the printer waits for additional data before canceling a print job.


  • 40 is the factory default setting.
  • Wait Timeout is available only when the printer is using PostScript emulation.


  • Job Hold Timeout
    • 5–255

Set the amount of time the printer waits for user intervention before it holds jobs that require unavailable resources and continues to print other jobs in the print queue.


  • 30 is the factory default setting.
  • This menu appears only when a hard disk is installed.

    Error Recovery

  • Auto Reboot
    • Reboot when idle
    • Reboot always
    • Reboot never

Set the printer to restart when an error occurs.

Note:  Reboot always is the factory default setting.

    Error Recovery

  • Max Auto Reboots
    • 1–20

Determine the number of automatic reboots the printer can perform.


  • 2 is the factory default setting.
  • If the printer reaches the maximum number of reboots within a certain amount of time, the printer does not continue to reboot, and the error message appears on the display.

    Print Recovery

  • Auto Continue
    • Disabled
    • 5–255

Let the printer automatically continue printing from certain offline situations when these are not resolved within the specified time period.

Note:  Disabled is the factory default setting.

    Print Recovery

  • Jam Recovery
    • On
    • Off
    • Auto

Specify whether the printer reprints jammed pages.


  • Auto is the factory default setting. The printer reprints jammed pages unless the memory required to hold the pages is needed for other printer tasks.
  • On sets the printer to always reprint jammed pages.
  • Off sets the printer to never reprint jammed pages.

    Print Recovery

  • Page Protect
    • Off
    • On

Successfully print a page that may not have printed otherwise.


  • Off is the factory default setting. This prints a partial page when there is not enough memory to print the whole page.
  • On sets the printer to process the whole page so that the entire page prints.


  • Prolong Screen Timeout
    • On
    • Off

Set the printer to continue a specified job without returning to the home screen when the screen timeout timer expires.

Note:  Off is the factory default setting.

    Press Sleep Button

  • Do Nothing
  • Sleep
  • Hibernate

Determine how the printer, while in idle state, reacts to a short press of the Sleep button.

Note:  Sleep is the factory default setting.

    Press and Hold Sleep Button

  • Do Nothing
  • Sleep
  • Hibernate

Determine how the printer, while in idle state, reacts to a long press of the Sleep button.

Note:  Do Nothing is the factory default setting.

    Factory Defaults

  • Do Not Restore
  • Restore Now

Use the printer factory default settings.


  • Do Not Restore is the factory default setting.
  • Restore Now sets all printer settings to the factory default settings except for the Network/Ports menu settings. All downloads stored in the RAM are deleted. Downloads stored in the flash memory or on a hard disk are not affected.

    Export Configuration File

  • Export

Export configuration files to a flash drive.

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