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Lexmark X852

Lexmark X852

How to install Server and MFP licenses for the education station grading software, Preliminary License Troubleshooting


During the initial installation of the Education Station, the accompanying Education Station Grading Software (ESGS) server component must be installed and properly licensed.

This article comprises the following Education Station topics:

  • License Requirements
  • How to load the server and MFP licenses on to an existing server
  • Troubleshooting
    • Verification of correct Host ID
    • Verification of the correct server and MFP license
    • Modification of license file

License requirements

Education Station Grading Software requires both a "server" and "MFP" license.

These licenses are available through your Lexmark dealer and they install on the server that hosts the software; they do not install to the printer.

How to add the "server" and "MFP" licenses on the existing Education Station Grading Software (ESGS) server

  1. Enter to open the Lexmark Licensing portal.

  2. Enter your Entitlement ID that you received when you purchased your licenses.

  3. Click Login.

  4. Click Manage Entitlements.

  5. Select Education Station MFP License and the corresponding one or more value for Copies in the left-hand column.

  6. Click Activate.

  7. In the Host ID field, enter the Host ID of your server. See How to find Host ID below.

  8. In the Fulfill Count field, enter the number of printers associated with the current server.

  9. Click Generate.

  10. Click Save To File, and name the file using a descriptive file name; e.g., MFP.lic.


    • Select a folder that is readily available and accessible at the Education Station server.
    • The server automatically adds a time/date stamp to the file name of new licenses as they are installed.
    • Existing licenses are not overwritten if the file name used is the same as an already installed license file.
  11. Click Complete.

  12. Launch the Lexmark Education Station Software Statusapplication in your Web browser.

  13. Click Add a Grading Station License.

  14. Browse to the license file you saved in Step 10, and then click Open. The license will be added to the server.

  15. Click OK.


Step 1: Verification of correct Host ID

Each license file installed on the server is associated with a Host ID on the server. This Host ID is shown by clicking Activate and Download License File(s).

Host ID – The physical address (MAC address) of a network adapter in the server without hyphens or other punctuation.

To determine whether or not your Education Station license is associated with the correct Host ID or correct network adapter, perform the following procedure:

  1. Click Start and then click Run.

  2. In the Start Search or Run box, type cmd.

  3. Press Enter, or click OK.

  4. Type ipconfig /all, and then press Enter.

  5. Detailed networking information appears.

  6. If you want to use the Host ID associated with the network adapter connected to the same network as your Education Station printers, determine the correct network adapter using the Description and IP Address.

  7. Write down the Physical Address shown with the selected network adapter, removing the hyphens, and store it in a safe place for use as the Host ID in the Lexmark Licensing Portal.



  • The Host ID of any listed network adapter is appropriate for creating license files as long as the associated physical network adapter remains in the server. However, it is strongly urged that you use a Host ID from a network adapter that is directly connected to the same network as your Education Station printers.
  • The procedure above is especially useful if you are unable to access the installation files.

Step 2: Verification of correct license

Once you have the Host ID written down, perform the following steps to ensure you are using the proper license file.

  1. Open the folder on your PC where the license files reside.

  2. Make sure "Word Wrap" in Notepad is enabled. To do this, choose Format > Word Wrap.

  3. Double-click on a license file.

  4. The first line will read something similar to "SERVERthis_host 12345e67890", where 12345e67890 is the MAC address (Host ID) of your server hardware on which the Education Station Grading Software is installed.


  • If this number does not match the Host ID you wrote down earlier, the license will not work.
  • You can not change the number and save the file correct this problem. You will need to request a new license from your Lexmark dealer.

Step 3: Modification of license

If the Host ID listed in the license file matches the Host ID that you wrote down in a previous step, yet you are still experiencing a licensing issue, you may be experiencing a problem with the Education Station Grading Software not properly modifying the license file. See the procedure below.

You can manually modify the license file by performing the following steps:

  1. Open the folder on your PC where the license files reside.

  2. Make sure "Word Wrap" in Notepad is enabled. To do this, choose Format >Word Wrap.

  3. Double-click one of the license files.

  4. The very first line in the file will read something similar to "SERVER this_host 12345e67890". Ignore this line.

  5. Look at the second and third lines in the file. check the Decision Table:

    If... Then...And...

    The second line in the file reads something similar to "VENDOR lexmark", where "lexmark" is the name of your company, or the name of the dealership where you purchased your Lexmark product...

    Proceed to the third line.

    If there are any questions surrounding the validity of your your licence, please contact your Lexmark dealer.

    The third line in the file reads "USE_SERVER"...

    Remove this line completely, and save the file using a different file name.

    For example, you can use the name "Education Station "Server" modified.lic".

    Repeat this process for the "MFP" license.

    For example, you can use the name "Education Station "MFP" modified.lic".

  6. After modifying both file(s), use the steps listed above under "Adding a MFP license to an Existing Server" to load the newly modified files on the ESGS server.

  7. Once the files are loaded, check to see if the Server and MFPs are licensed. Both the Server and MFP should show the proper licensing.

  8. Notes:

    • If the Server or MFP still displays as "unlicensed" or the license count is zero, please contact your Lexmark dealer for further assistance.
    • Your dealer will need your original license files, so please have these available before contacting your dealer.


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