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Lexmark C4342

Lexmark C4342

Universal Setup

Menu itemDescription

Note:  An asterisk (*) next to a value indicates the factory default setting.

    Units of Measure

  • Inches
  • Millimeters

Specify the unit of measurement for the universal paper.

Note:  Inches is the U.S. factory default setting. Millimeters is the international factory default setting.

    Portrait Width

  • 3.5–19  inches (8.5*)
  • 88.9–482.6  mm (216*)

Set the portrait width of the universal paper.

    Portrait Height

  • 3.5–19  inches (14*)
  • 88.9–482.6  mm (356*)

Set the portrait height of the universal paper.

    Feed Direction

  • Short Edge*
  • Long Edge

Set the printer to pick paper from the short edge or long edge direction.

Note:  Long Edge appears only when the longest edge is shorter than the maximum width supported.

    Multiple Universal Sizes

  • Tray [x]
  • Multipurpose Feeder

Assign a unique dimension for multiple universal sizes that are loaded in each paper source.

Note:  This setting appears only when enabled in the Device menu. From the home screen, touch Settings > Device > Maintenance > Configuration Menu > Tray Configuration > Multiple Universal Sizes.

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