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Lexmark XS658

Lexmark XS658

X65xe ? Hangs or Freezes at 25% Boot-Up

What you will see

During the power-up sequence, the Multifunction Printer (MFP) stops and does not come to the Ready screen. The operator panel screen display freezes during boot-up with status bar at 25%.

Cause of issue

This issue normally requires a service call because in most cases its resolution is to update firmware, replace the fax card, or replace the main controller card. However, certain rare occurrences, such as a power fluctuation, a corrupted or incomplete print job sent to the printer, or a stray static discharge in the vicinity of the printer, can cause this issue. In such cases, the issue is temporary and can be easily resolved without service. Follow the directions tabled below to do so.

Recommended actions

1If this is the first time the issue has occurred, power off the MFP. Let it sit for one minute and then power it on again. Did the issue return?

Yes: If the MFP continues to lock on power-up, continue with the steps below.

No: If the MFP powers up to the Ready screen, try printing. If the printer now prints correctly, continue normal use. Pay close attention to the printer over the next few days, however, to see if the issue returns.

Important! Do not power the MFP off and on too quickly. Doing so can cause a power issue and create this type of situation.
If you have already tried powering the MFP off and on, skip ahead to Step 2.

2Power off the MFP again. While the MFP is off, clear any pending print jobs from the computer or the network queue. This will prevent any corrupted print jobs from being re-sent to the printer/MFP when you power it back on.
3Disconnect all communication cables (i.e., the parallel, Ethernet, and USB cables). The only cable that should be connected to the MFP at this time is the power cord. There might be a problem with either the MFP, a communication cable, or the print job itself.
4Confirm that the voltage at the outlet matches the voltage rating of the MFP (i.e., that a 120V printer is not connected to a 220V outlet, or vice versa). Each printer's voltage rating is located on a label on the back of the MFP. If possible, connect the printer's power cord directly into a grounded wall outlet.

This step is especially important if the issue occur intermittently. Power strips, surge protectors, extension cords and uninterrupted power supplies (UPS) can trigger this type of issue. This is true even if the printer has worked on this surge device previously.

5If the printer voltage matches the line voltage, power on the MFP again. See whether it continues to lock up or if it now displays the Ready screen. Did the issue return?

Yes: If the MFP continues to lock on power-up, continue with the steps below.

No: If the MFP powers up to the Ready screen, try printing. If the printer now prints correctly, continue normal use. Pay close attention to the printer over the next few days, however, to see if the issue returns.

If you power the printer back on with no communication cables attached and it still continues to lock on power-up or when it reaches the Ready status, an option on the printer may be failing. Try to perform as many of the following steps below as possible.

6Power off the MFP again and check the option connectors on its back for damage. If connectors are damaged, a service action may be required in order to correct the issue. For assistance in setting up service, please contact Lexmark Technical Support or a local authorized service provider.
7Disconnect all options from RIP card (Fax, Hard drive, memory, DLE, network cable, USB devices, etc.). Also remove any paper-feed options installed on the printer, including any additional paper trays, a duplex option, and the finisher output option. Each of these options has a small electrical board installed that, should it fail, can cause the printer to lock. Power on the MFP again. Did the issue return?

Yes: If the issue continues after you have performed the steps above, a service action may be required in order to correct the issue. For assistance in setting up service, please contact Lexmark Technical Support or a local authorized service provider.

No: If the printer powers up to the Ready screen, enter the printer menus and print the Menu Settings page. If this page prints out, a failed or incompatible option may be causing the issue. For a set of recommended actions, skip ahead to the section below labeled 'Option Diagnosis'.

See the Users Guide for removal instructions. You will need to lift the printer in order to remove any input (paper tray) options installed. As the printer is extremely heavy, please enlist the help of another person and disconnect all cables and cords before lifting the printer.

Option Diagnosis

If you feel uncomfortable about or are unable to remove or reinstall any of the installed options, or if you have questions about any of the steps, please contact Lexmark Technical Support or a local authorized service provider for additional assistance.

  1. Power off the MFP and reinstall one of the removed options.

  2. After reinstalling the option, power on the MFP and try printing the settings page again. If the printer performs this task correctly, power off the printer and reinstall another option. Repeat this procedure for each option. If the printer works correctly after you have completed reinstalling all of the options, then one of the options may have been loose. Continue normal printer use.

  3. If the printer locks up again after you reinstall a particular option, power off the printer. Remove that option and set it aside.

  4. Continue reinstalling the other options, one at a time.

  5. If you narrow the source of the problem to a particular option or card, it must be serviced or replaced. If the printer is under warranty, contact Lexmark Technical Support.
    : If this is a third-party option or an option designed for a different model printer, it may be incompatible with this printer. Your printer model will only support components that Lexmark manufactures and that are designed specifically for it.

Contacting Lexmark

Please contact Lexmark Technical Support if you need additional assistance.
When calling for support, you will be asked for your machine/model type and serial number (SN). If you need help locating these

Please call from near the printer in case the technician on the phone asks you to perform a task involving the printer.


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