Lexmark XM5270
Find the image that resembles the print quality problem you are having, and then click the link below it to read problem-solving steps.
Blank pages or near-blank pages quickly leading to blank pages
Washed out or faint print check
Light or faded print check
Poor print quality in cold environments
Partial or misaligned print output check
Partial print check on one side of the page
Light vertical bands
Fixing vertical white lines or streaks appearing on the print
Faint or inconsistent prints check
Horizontal gray bands and washed out print
Random spots or marks on the print
Repeating spots or horizontal lines check
Vertical smear lines check
Toner not fused to the page
Black vertical lines when copying, scanning and faxing
Repeating background or gray marks
Full page background or gray print
Black vertical steaks with no print
Black line is on the edge or part of the page is covered in toner
Vertical dark band at the edge of the print
Solid black page check
Crease, fold or wrinkle in the paper printout
Compressed print check
Line at the bottom of the page when copying using the ADF
Legacy ID: SO7777
This article shows the primary information required to escalate print quality issues.
Poor Fax Quality and Poor Fax Performance Issues