Issue Description | Explanation/Recommended action |
The Print button is missing. | - Not all Android apps implement the Print button.
Note: For more information, see the app's Help. - Make sure that your device is on Android 4.4 or later. Not all versions of Android offer the Print Service Plug-in feature.
Tip! If the Print button is not available, then use the Lexmark Mobile Printing app. |
The output is not as expected. | The Lexmark plug-in performs a pass-through to the printer or server. It does not execute document conversion or rendering. |
Cannot find the printer | |
Print output is garbage or unreadable. | Content is provided by the third-party app, and not by the plug-in. Moreover, not all printers found will support the output provided by the plug-in. Note: The printer must support native PDF printing.
LPSP is not available in the Print dialog. | - Make sure the plug-in is enabled in the Settings > Printing screen.
Note: Plug-in is OFF by default. - Make sure the plug-in was downloaded and installed from the Google Play store app.
File names are quite long and complex. | The file name is generated by the third-party app that creates the content. Note: You may often see long number sequences or exceptionally long file names.
Selected page size is not followed. | There are times that the selected page size is not followed upon printing. The printer will fit it to whatever is default or available. Notes:
- It depends on the app as to whether the page size is followed in the generated PDF.
- Gallery always generates "Letter" PDF.
- Google Chrome follows the selection and generates the PDF accordingly.
Print Settings might vary from printer-to-printer or server-to-server. | Capabilities vary per printer or server. These capabilities are queried when adding the printer or server. - Some of the settings are used to generate the print job upon submission, while some are not applied until it is printed.
- On-Premises print release does not support changing print settings. Color option ONLY is available.
- While on SaaS print release, print setting may be updated upon printing. Color and Black & white options are available.