Value "Setting" | Function |
Server address | This entry specifies the host name or IP address of the SMTP server on your network (e.g., "" or ""). |
FROM message | This descriptive name appears in the From field of all mail-bound fax messages (e.g., "RightFax E-mail Gateway"seen above). Note: The gateway uses this name when sending messages to the SMTP mail server. Many mail servers require that the name be a valid mailbox on that server in order for the message to be accepted. In such cases, this entry should be in valid mailbox in angle-brackets. "<fax-mailbox>" "RightFax e-mail gateway <fax-mailbox>" "RightFax e-mail gateway <>" "RightFax e-mail gateway <>" |
Default User Name | This name specifies the RightFax user ID that should be used when the sender of a fax-bound mail message cannot be matched to a RightFax user. |
POP3 Mailbox Name | The name of the POP3 mailbox account that will be logged into by the gateway to check for fax-bound mail messages. Administrator: The SMTP mail server administrator should create a mailbox on that server specifically for use by this gateway. |
Mailbox Password | This name specifies the Password of the account defined above in "POP3 Mailbox Name." |
Frequency | Enter a time limit for how long the gateway will sleep before checking the system and the RightFax system for work to do, i.e., routing received faxes or converting to faxes. Activation = drop-down menu selection in seconds Recommendation:The Frequency should not be set to a low value, as this will use too many system resources. |
LogLevel | This parameter specifies the level of information logged in the Application EventLog, under Service name > RightFax E-mail Gateway Module. - Value: Terse
- Record (Tracks): Critical errors
- Value: Verbose
- Record (Tracks): Significant amounts of information which may help isolate problems
Recommendation: Do not leave Verbose as a default value. The EventLog can fill quite quickly. |
Maximum Number of Messages to Retrieve | Limit the number of messages processed at one timeby the RightFax e-mail gateway by entering a value in this field. Default limit = 50 messages. |
Remote E-mail Gateway Service | This specifies that the gateway process will execute on a remote Win NT machine versus executing on a local machine. Activation = checkmark To run the remote gateway process, map the address of the \RIGHTFAX directory on the fax server. Switch to the \GATEWAY directory and run the command line GATEWAY [parameter] in a window. See RightfaxAdministrator's Guide Appendix IV for a full list of parameters. |
Force Use of APOP | When collecting mail via the POP3 protocol, the gateway first attempts to log-in using a password or authenticated password scheme. Activation = checkmark If this log-in fails, the gateway then sends the password with protection or as "clear-text" so that it can log in to servers that do not support this scheme and can force the use of the protected password scheme by toggling on this field. |
Display FriendlyName on Cover Sheet | Displays the user's e-mail name rather than e-mail address on the fax cover sheet. |
Disable Outbound Faxing | The gateway will only serve to route received faxes to e-mail users. Activation = checkmark Stated differently, the gateway will not attempt to send e-mail messages out as faxes. |
Remove Mail Headers | The gateway can place mail headers found in fax-bound messages into the fax's cover sheet notes area. Activation = checkmark to enable |