ID | Unique ID generated by the database for that row / job |
SITE | Name of the site where the job was submitted from |
USERID | Name of the user who submitted the job. Typically Windows ID for person that submitted the print job |
SUBMITIP | IP address where the job originated, e.g., Workstation ID. |
PRINTJOBNAME | Name of the print job as passed / defined by the submitting system. Extracted from print job header. |
SUBMITDATE | Date/time job was submitted |
FINALDATE | Date/time job action was taken (print, copy, etc.) |
FINALACTION | Action taken (P = print, D = delete, C = copy, F = Fax, E = email, T = FTP, S = Scan) * |
FINALSITE | Name of site where action occurred |
NUMPAGES | Number of pages in job |
RELEASEIP | IP address of the Lexmark device used to perform action |
RELEASEUSERID | ID of the user who performed the job (Typically the submitter, but could be a delegate user) |
PRINTJOBCOLOR | Job was mono or color(Y = Color) or (N = Mono) |
PRINTJOBDUPLEX | Job was single or double sided(S = simplex) or (D = duplex) |
PRINTJOBPAPERSIZE | Size of paper selected in driver at time of job submission |
RELEASEMODEL | Model designation of the Lexmark device that released the job |
RELEASEMODELTYPE | Type of device used for the job (C = color, M = mono, U = unknown) |
RELEASEHOSTNAME | Host name of the Lexmark device that released the job |
DESTINATION | Used only for e-mail or fax tracking, this value provides the fax number or e-mail address of the recipient. |
PROFILE | Name of profile executed to complete the job (only available if device usage app is being used) |
CUSTOM1 | Custom LDAP Attribute that can be used to further identify the transaction, e.g., Department Code, Cost Center, Manager |
CUSTOM2 | Custom LDAP Attribute that can be used to further identify the transaction, e.g., Department Code, Cost Center, Manager |
CUSTOM3 | Custom LDAP Attribute that can be used to further identify the transaction, e.g., Department Code, Cost Center, Manager |
PRINT: Note: Letter = Details (Action tracked and what software or application is utilizing it.) T = Tracking queue versus release queueLexmark printers and MFPs not using the print release application have tracking capability purchased for them; this letter designation signifies tracking data you would see in this database. P = Released to print by the user W = Printed from Print Admin console D = Tracked via Device Usage eSF application |
COPY: T = Tracked by LDD application of Device Usage eSF application |
EMAIL: T = Tracked by LDD application |
FAX: T = Sent and tracked by LDD S = Sent and tracked by the Device Usage eSF application R = Received and tracked by the Device Usage eSF application |
FTP: T = Sent and tracked by the Device Usage eSF application |
SCAN: T = Scan on the MFP using an eSF application or some other LDD application. Tracked by the Device Usage eSF application. |
DELETE: W = Print job deleted from Print Admin console U = Print job deleted by the user at the device A = Automatically deleted by the system; job expired |