Once this occurs, Print Release ceases to function until you free up HDD resources.
All products compatible with LPM version 2.3.15.
On the Lexmark Print Management server, navigate to this directory:\apps\lpm\WEB-INF\classes, e.g., C:\Program Files\Lexmark\Solutions\ apps\lpm\WEB-INF\classes
Locate log4j-config.groovy.
Make a backup copy of this file, e.g., log4j-config.bak, in the unlikely event you need to restore it later.
Edit the log4j-config.groovy file in
Notepad. Under production, add the new lines of code in
to the appenders block, so it looks like the code below, and then save the file. appenders {appender new RollingFileAppender( name: "stacktrace", maxFileSize: "20MB", maxBackupIndex: 20, threshold: org.apache.log4j.Level.ERROR, layout: pattern(conversionPattern: "%d [%t] %-5p %c{2.EN_US} %x - %m%n"), file: "${LOGDIRECTORY.EN_US}/lpm_stacktrace.log")
appender new RollingFileAppender( name: "logFile", maxFileSize: "20MB", maxBackupIndex: 20, threshold: fileLevelThreshold, layout: pattern(conversionPattern: "%d [%t] %-5p %c{2.EN_US} %x - %m%n"), file: "${LOGDIRECTORY.EN_US}/lpm.log") }Step 2: Adding code to idm file 2:
Again, on the LPM server, navigate to this directory:\apps\idm\WEB-INF\classes, e.g., C:\Program Files\Lexmark\Solutions\ apps\idm\WEB-INF\classes
Locate log4j-config.groovy.
Make a backup copy of this file, e.g., log4j-config.bak, in case you need to restore it later.
Edit the log4j-config.groovy file in
Notepad. Under production, add the new lines of code in
to the appenders block so it looks like the code below and then save the file. appenders {appender new RollingFileAppender( name: "stacktrace", maxFileSize: "20MB", maxBackupIndex: 20, threshold: org.apache.log4j.Level.ERROR, layout: pattern(conversionPattern: "%d [%t] %-5p %c{2.EN_US} %x - %m%n"), file: "${LOGDIRECTORY.EN_US}/idm_stacktrace.log")
appender new RollingFileAppender( name: "logFile", maxFileSize: "20MB", maxBackupIndex: 20, threshold: fileLevelThreshold, layout: pattern(conversionPattern: "%d [%t] %-5p %c{2.EN_US} %x - %m%n"), file: "${LOGDIRECTORY.EN_US}/idm.log") } Step 3: Restart LSAS and confirm the creation of new logsAfter Lexmark Solutions Application Service (LSAS) restarts, confirm that \tomcat\logs\lpm_stacktrace.log and \tomcat\logs\idm_stacktrace.log have now been created.
If you wish, you can delete the original stacktrace.log file as it is no longer used. \tomcat\logs\stacktrace.log
Open the Lexmark Management Console, go the System tab and then set the first server to be patched to offline.
On the offline application server, navigate to this directory:\apps\lpm\WEB-INF\classes ,e.g., C:\Program Files\Lexmark\Solutions\ apps\lpm\WEB-INF\classes
Locate log4j-config.groovy
Make a backup copy of this file, e.g., log4j-config.bak, in the unlikely event you need to restore it later.
Edit the log4j-config.groovy file in Notepad. Under production, add the new lines of code in red to the appenders block so it looks like the code below and then save the file. appenders {
appender new RollingFileAppender( name: "stacktrace", maxFileSize: "20MB", maxBackupIndex: 20, threshold: org.apache.log4j.Level.ERROR, layout: pattern(conversionPattern: "%d [%t] %-5p %c{2.EN_US} %x - %m%n"), file: "${LOGDIRECTORY.EN_US}/lpm_stacktrace.log")
appender new RollingFileAppender( name: "logFile", maxFileSize: "20MB", maxBackupIndex: 20, threshold: fileLevelThreshold, layout: pattern(conversionPattern: "%d [%t] %-5p %c{2.EN_US} %x - %m%n"), file: "${LOGDIRECTORY.EN_US}/lpm.log") }Step 2: Adding code to idm file 2:
Again, on the LPM server, navigate to this directory: \apps\idm\WEB-INF\classes, e.g., C:\Program Files\Lexmark\Solutions\ apps\idm\WEB-INF\classes
directory and find the log4j-config.groovy
Make a backup copy of this file, e.g., log4j-config.bak, in the unlikely event you need to restore it later.
Edit the log4j-config.groovy file in Notepad. Under production, add the new lines of code in red to the appenders block so it looks like the code below and then save the file. appenders {appender new RollingFileAppender( name: "stacktrace", maxFileSize: "20MB", maxBackupIndex: 20, threshold: org.apache.log4j.Level.ERROR, layout: pattern(conversionPattern: "%d [%t] %-5p %c{2.EN_US} %x - %m%n"), file: "${LOGDIRECTORY.EN_US}/idm_stacktrace.log") appender new RollingFileAppender( name: "logFile", maxFileSize: "20MB", maxBackupIndex: 20, threshold: fileLevelThreshold, layout: pattern(conversionPattern: "%d [%t] %-5p %c{2.EN_US} %x - %m%n"), file: "${LOGDIRECTORY.EN_US}/idm.log") }
Step 3: Restart LSAS and confirm the creation of new logs
Restart the Lexmark Solutions Application Service (LSAS) on this server only.
After LSAS restarts, confirm that \tomcat\logs\lpm_stacktrace.log and \tomcat\logs\idm_stacktrace.log have now been created:
If you wish, you can delete the original stacktrace.log file as it is no longer used. \tomcat\logs\stacktrace.log
Return to the Lexmark Management Console and set the server back online.
Repeat these 3 steps (a-m) for all servers in your environment.
The support agent may request additional information.