Print Release provides a framework for managing and tracking document output by securing the release of print jobs and providing the ability to view and export reports of print, copy, scan, e-mail, and fax jobs.
- If the client login name does not match the authentication method user name, then the user is displayed as a blank to the administrator.
- The user will not see their jobs in their queue on the on the printer or on the Lexmark Solutions Platform On-Premise server.
JOB DATE AND TIME MAY NOT BE DISPLAYED – For jobs that have long names, the date and time may not be displayed.
SCAN TO E-MAIL JOBS NOT TRACKED IF E-MAIL IS SENT TO 15 OR MORE ADDRESSES – Scan to E-mail jobs are tracked in Accounting only if the e-mail is sent to less than 15 e-mail addresses. If the e-mail is sent to 15 or more addresses, then the job is not tracked.
PAPER SIZE ALWAYS REPORTED AS "AUTO SIZE" – If a user creates an e-mail shortcut with the Original Size setting set to "Auto Size," then the paper size is always reported as "Auto Size" in Accounting, regardless of the paper size selected at the printer.
REPORTS CANNOT BE EXPORTED IF SORTED BY THE "PAPER SIZE" COLUMN – On a job report, if you sort based on the "Paper Size" column, then the report cannot be exported to a CSV file. To work around this issue, generate the report again without sorting, then export it.
PRINTER STATUS MESSAGES MAY BE DISPLAYED IN MULTIPLE LANGUAGES – If a user sets their device language preference to a language different from the printer's default language, then the printer may display status messages in multiple languages.
PRIVILEGE SETTING BEHAVES AS "USER" WHEN SET TO "NONE" – If users are added using the Print Job method, then the Privilege setting for each user will be set to "None," but the setting will behave as if it were set to "User."
PRINTER HOSTNAME IN "DEVICES" LIST MAY DISPLAY THE IP ADDRESS – The hostname in the "Devices" list may display the printer IP address instead of the hostname.
ERROR OCCURS WHEN JOB NAME LINK IS CLICKED IN PRINT QUEUE EDIT ITEM PAGE – In the Print Release Queue Edit Item Web page, if a user clicks on the job name link in the browse path at the top of the page, an error message will appear: "An unexpected error has occurred."
MINIMUM FIRMWARE LEVEL FOR X94xe DOES NOT INCLUDE BADGE SUPPORT – The minimum firmware level for X94xe, LX.BR.P051S1, does not include badge support. To obtain badge support for this printer, update the firmware to LX.BR.P136 or later.
OUT OF PAPER CONDITION CAUSES PROBLEMS WITH IDLE AND HOME SCREENS – For eSF version 3.x printers, when an Out of Paper condition occurs, it may cause the idle screen image to display incorrectly and home screen icons to disappear. A firmware update should resolve this issue.
QUOTAS REVERT DEVICE SHORTCUT SETTINGS TO DEFAULTS – For eSF version 3.x printers, device shortcut settings revert to their defaults when quotas are applied to copy shortcuts. This only affects device shortcuts, not shortcuts created with My e-Task. A firmware update should resolve this issue.
INCORRECT PAGE COUNTS WITH ODD-NUMBERED DUPLEX JOBS – When duplex jobs with an odd number of pages are submitted by v1.6x Lexmark Universal Print Drivers (LUPD), a blank page is appended to the end of the document. This causes the printer control panel to show these jobs as having an even number of pages. It may also cause quotas to be decremented incorrectly if the last page of an odd-numbered, duplex job is a color page (the quota will be decremented as a black-and-white page). The v2.x LUPDs do not append the extra blank page, so this issue does not exist with them.
LANGUAGE CHANGE CAN CAUSE PRINTER TO LOCK UP – For eSF version 2.x printers, selecting a device language under My e-Task that is different from the printer default language can sometimes cause the printer to lock up. A firmware update should solve this issue.
CERTAIN CHARACTERS CAUSE PROBLEMS IN PREFERENCE AND SHORTCUT CREATION – The following characters should be avoided when creating preferences and shortcuts in My e-Task from the Web portal: "[", "]", and ";". If "[" or "]" is used in the subject or message field for an e-mail preference or shortcut, the settings will not be applied properly. Likewise, if ";" is used in any shortcut name, the device will incorrectly display the name.
USING COVER PAGE FROM MAC/LINUX UPD CAUSES ISSUES – When Cover Page (beginning or end) is used from the Mac or Linux Universal Print Drivers, it causes problems with Print Release Preview at the device and Document Accounting impression counts.
PARTIAL PAGE PRINTING FROM MAC/LINUX UPD CAN CAUSE PAGE COUNT ERRORS – Selecting partial pages to print from the Mac or Linux Universal Print Drivers can cause the page count to not show from the Print Release job list at the device. It can also cause no impressions to be reported for Print Release Deleted Jobs in Document Accounting.