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Lexmark T656

Lexmark T656

How to enable Fax Receive, change Distinctive Ring Settings and adjust Fax Receive Rates


This article compliments the article xref_SO4187_xref and focuses on settings that may affect the receipt of a fax.

Fax Settings

Check all of the following as a possible fix for fax receive failure:

  • Enable fax receive
  • Distinctive ring
  • Receive speed (Max Speed)
  • Other Settings - see after the table

Enable Fax Receive: Setting locations

This commonly overlooked setting needs to be turned ON in order to receive faxes.

Make sure that Enable Fax Receive is enabled.

Enable Fax Receive Locations

MFP Model

UI (user interface or control panel)

EWS (Embedded Web Server) location

Current All-In-One touch screen MFPs and 4600 (scanner-equipped) MFPs.

Menus > Settings > Fax Settings > Analog Fax Setup > Fax Receive Settings > Enable Fax Receive

Configuration (Settings)> Fax Settings > Analog Fax Setup > Fax Receive Settings > Enable Fax Receive

X264, X364 and X54x MFPs

Menus>Settings > Fax Settings>Fax Receive Settings>Enable Fax Receive

Settings>Fax Settings>Analog Fax Setup>Fax Receive Settings>Enable Fax Receive

X422 MFP

Admin >

Default Menus>Fax Settings>Fax Receive Settings

Configuration>Fax Settings>Analog or Manual Fax Setup

Legacy touch screen MFPs with scanner machine type 4036-501 & 304 (4500 and 7500 Scanners)

Not Available

Configuration>Fax Setup>Configuration>Enable Receive @ bottom of page

Legacy products with scanner machine type 4036-302 & 306 (3100 and 3200 scanners)

Not Available

Configuration>Fax Setup > Configuration>Advanced Settings>Enable Receive @ bottom of page.

Legacy products with scanner machine type 4036-301 & 305 (242 and 443 Scanners)

Not Available

Configuration>Fax Setup > Configuration>Advanced Settings>Enable Receive @ bottom of page.

X342 MFP

Not Available

Not Available (Auto Answer could be turned OFF)

X502 MFP

Not Available

Not Available (check Manual Fax settings)

X215 MFP

Not Available

Not Available (check Manual Fax settings)

X204 MFP

Menus>Settings>Fax Settings>Fax Receive Settings>Enable Receive

Settings>Fax Settings>Analog Fax Setup>EnableFax Receive under Fax Receive Settings

Distinctive Ring

The distinctive ring feature offered by your telephone service provider provides:

  • The purchase of additional telephone numbers.
  • Differentiation of these numbers by different distinctive ring rates, and thus
  • The opportunity to have multiple phone numbers assigned to one physical telephone line.
  • The ability for your MFP to be assigned to one of these phone numbers and its associated distinctive ring. For example, the ability for the MFP to pick up on a single, double, or triple ring, or any combination.

Note:  There will most likely be an additional charge for this feature but it will be less expensive than having a dedicated phone line.

Warning—Potential Damage:  All three ring settings (Single, Double, Triple) are turned ON by default on the MFP.

Turn off any distinctive ring patter n(setting) that is not dedicated for fax function. To do this, deselect any ring pattern that is intended for another device. But be certain about which ring pattern and phone number is intended for faxes; for example, double ring for the phone and a single ring for fax.

Distinctive ring locations

MFP Model

UI (user interface or control panel) location)

EWS (Embedded Web Server location)

Current All-In-One touch screen MFDs and 4600 (scanner equipped) MFPs.

Menus>Settings>Fax Settings>Analog Fax Setup>Distinctive Ring

Configuration (Settings)>Fax Settings>Ana log Fax Setup>Distinctive Ring

X264, X364 and X54x MFPs

Menus>Settings>Fax Settings>Distinctive Ring

Configuration>Fax Settings>Analog Fax Setup>Fax Receive Settings>Max Speed

X422 MFP

Admin >

Default Menus>Fax Settings>Distinctive Ring

Note:  Press the down arrow until Distinctive Ring is visible.

Configuration>Fax Settings>Analog or Manual Fax Setup>Distinctive Rings

Legacy touch screen MFPs with scanner machine type 4036-501 & 304 (4500 and 7500 Scanners)

Not Available

Configuration>Fax Setup>Configuration>Distinctive Ring Settings

Legacy products with scanner machine type 4036-302 & 306 (3100 and 3200 scanners)

Menu (right or left) to Fax Setup>Select>Menu (right or left) to Distinctive Ring>Select>Menu (right or left) to required ring pattern>Select >Select again to save.

Configuration>Fax Setup>Configuration>Advanced Settings>Distinctive Ring

Legacy products with scanner machine type 4036-301 & 305 (242 and 443 Scanners)

Menu (right or left) to Fax Setup>Select>Menu (right or left) to Distinctive Ring>Select>Menu (right or left) to required ring pattern>Select>Select again to save.

Configuration>Fax Setup>Configuration>Advanced Settings>Distinctive Ring

X342 MFP

Fax button > Menu> dir up down to Fax Defaults>Select> dir up/down to Distinct Ring>Select> dir up/down to down to turn off or on>Select to save.

Not Available

X502 MFP

Not Available

Not Available

X215 MFP

Not Available

Not Available

X204 MFP

Menus>Settings>Fax Settings>Distinctive Ring

Settings>Fax Settings>Analog Fax Setup>Distinctive Ring

Receive Speed: Setting Locations

Faxing over Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) may require you to adjust speed settings for various reasons.

Change the setting to 9600 bps.

  • If 9600 bps is successful, then try increasing the speed in increments up to 14.4 kbps.
  • If 9600 bps is not successful, then consider topics under Other Suggestions or xref_SO4187_xref to go back to the main contributors to a fax receive failure.


  • Ensure consistent diagnosis by testing this setting only with the problematic sending fax machine.
  • You can continue to increase the speed as long as successful fax transmissions persist.
  • Higher fax speeds require a clean and strong analog signal, so increase speed with caution.
Max Speed locations

MFP Model

UI (User interface or control panel location)

EWS (Embedded Web Server location)

Current All-In-One touch screen MFPs and 4600 (scanner equipped) MFPs.

Menus>Settings>Fax Settings>Analog Fax Setup>Fax Receive Settings>Max Speed

Configuration (Settings)>Fax Settings>Analog Fax Setup>Fax Receive Settings>Max Speed

X264, X364 and X54x MFPs

Menus>Settings>Fax Settings>Fax Setup>Fax Receive Settings>Max Speed

Configuration>Fax Settings>Analog Fax Setup>Fax Receive Settings>Max Speed

X422 MFP

Not available. Please contact Lexmark Technical Support or see Other Settings below.

Legacy touch screen MFPs with scanner machine type 4036-501 & 304 (4500 and 7500 Scanners)

Not available. Please contact Lexmark Technical Support or see Other Settings below.

Legacy products with scanner machine type 4036-302 & 306 (3100 and 3200 scanners)

Not available. Please contact Lexmark Technical Support or see Other Settings below.

Legacy products with scanner machine type 4036-301 & 305 (242 and 443 Scanners)

Not available. Please contact Lexmark Technical Support or see Other Settings below.

X342 MFP

Not available. Please contact Lexmark Technical Support or see Other Settings below.

X502 MFP

Not Available

Not Available

X215 MFP

Not Available

Not Available

X204 MFP

Menus>Settings>Fax Settings>Fax Receive Settings>Max Speed

Settings>Fax Settings>Analog Fax Setup>Max Speed under Fax Receive Settings

Other Settings: All MFPs

  • Verify that ECM (Error Correction Mode) is enabled. This is an important setting for dropped faxes. Toggle this setting OFF and ON and test again.
  • Turn ON the Speaker Setting which may be preventing you from hearing a possible distinctive ring pattern.
  • Check the paper level as a lack of paper will prevent fax transmission.
  • Make sure that the Fax Forwarding setting is not turned on (some models only).
  • Understand that the X502 and X215 MFPs do not support distinctive ring.
  • If MFP is competing with other phone devices, try to adjust the MFP # of rings as a countermeasure to give yourself more time to pick up the other device.
  • Check Manual Fax settings. If manual fax is enabled, you will be required to perform specific steps necessary to receive the fax.

Visit the Lexmark publications site for User's Guide information on these topics.

Firmware Update Information

Occasionally the MFP is the cause of the fax failure; however, this is rarely a physical hardware failure. If it is determined that a firmware update may alleviate this fax receive issue, it is important to consult a technical support representative to discuss other resolution paths and to perform additional diagnostic tests.

Related articles

Legacy Products

  • How to Check Modem Code Versions on the X242, X443, X3100, X3200 Scanner-equipped Products. See the User's Guide for information on how to print the network settings page.

Note:  Look for Fax/SCSI Ethernet or MFP - Ethernet 10/100 at the top of the page. If you see Ethernet 10/100, you have the wrong page.


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