What you will see
The “Side” value or “Sides on Cart” shown in the printer’s Device Statistics is inaccurate. This may be seen when a new cartridge, possibly built in 2010, is installed in the printer. In this scenario, the actual number of printed sides shown on the report is greater than the cartridge’s proclaimed yield.
NOTE: "Side" value refers to the number of printed sides on a paper or media (i.e., one sheet of paper can have two sides of printed output). Click here to see the location of “Sides on Cart” on Device Statistics.
Due to a code bug, some C792 and X792 cartridges built in 2010 were not reset to a 0 (zero) side count in the manufacturing process. This results in inaccurate “Sides on Cart” values being displayed in Device Statistics.
IMPORTANT! The side count is not used by the critical systems in the printer. Therefore, the inaccurate side values WILL NOT affect the cartridge’s useful life, reliability, or function. This is visibly evident in the cartridge “gas gage”, which will still read 100% or “Ok” when a new, Lexmark-manufactured cartridge is installed. If an affected cartridge is installed in a printer, the side count will still correctly increment with the pages/sides printed.
Recommended solution
To correct this issue, it is recommended to upgrade the printer’s firmware code level to P100 or above. The latest version of code not only resolves the bug described above, but more importantly enables new functions and features.
You may download the latest firmware of this printer at support.lexmark.com or you may call Lexmark Technical Support for help in getting the firmware. Once you obtain the updated code, select any method below to perform the update.
Still need help?
Please contact Lexmark Technical Support if you need additional assistance. NOTE: When calling for support, you will be asked for your machine/model type and serial number (SN).
Please call from near the printer in case the technician on the phone asks you to perform a task involving the printer.