Affected products
in the title section above. This is also seen in the following Setup:
- Application: Lexmark Markvision Enterprise version 3.2.0
- OS Version: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Issue description
Users are reporting that they are getting the HTTP 404 status error when launching the Lexmark Markvision Enterprise ( MVE) version 3.2.0 URL after updating the DB ( database) password.
Possible cause
The HTTP 404 Status Error means that MVE is unable to access a resource (most likely tables in databases or the database itself).
In this case, MVE is unable to access the database because the credentials that were provided does not match the database credentials.
Based on how the issue was described, it seems that the account used to connect to the database, which had a password changed, caused the error to appear. The easiest way to fix this issue is using the MVE Password Update Utility. This is an executable file that looks like the Installer UI and has the effect of "setting up" the various inputs for MVE.
This is in the Markvision Enterprise directory and is called the mvepwdutility-windows.exe.
Still need help?
If you need additional assistance, please close this browser tab or go to the Lexmark support site, type your printer model and locate
Get in Touch with Lexmark! for contact information.
NOTE: When calling for support, you will need the following: - Name and version of the solution
Affected printer model/'s
- Printer serial number
Please be near the product/s described in this article to expedite the support process and reduce callbacks.