Lexmark MS410
Primary SMTP Gateway
Specify SMTP server gateway and port information.
Note: 25 is the default SMTP gateway port.
Primary SMTP Gateway Port
Secondary SMTP Gateway
Secondary SMTP Gateway Port
SMTP Timeout
Specify the amount of time in seconds before the server stops trying to send an e‑mail.
Note: 30 seconds is the factory default setting.
Reply Address
Specify a reply address of up to 128 characters in the e-mail sent by the printer.
Set the printer to use SSL for increased security when connecting to the SMTP server.
SMTP Server Authentication
Specify the type of user authentication required for printing privileges.
Note: “No authentication required” is the factory default setting.
Device‑Initiated E‑mail
Specify what credentials will be used when communicating to the SMTP server. Some SMTP servers require credentials to send an e-mail.
Device Userid
Device Password
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