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Markvision Enterprise

Markvision Enterprise

Getting the full certificate subject when requesting through SCEP

    By default, OpenXPKI reads only the CN of the subject of the requesting certificate. The rest of the information, such as country, locality, and DC, are hard‑coded. For example, if a certificate subject is C=US, ST=KY, L=Lexington, O=Lexmark, OU=ISS,, then after signing the certificate through SCEP, the subject is changed to DC=Test Deployment, DC= OpenXPKI,

    Note:  REALM NAME is the name of the realm. For example, ca‑one.

  1. In /etc/openxpki/config.d/realm/REALM NAME/profile/I18N_OPENXPKI_PROFILE_TLS_SERVER.yaml, from the enroll section, change the value of dn to the following:

    CN=[% CN.0 %][% IF OU %][% FOREACH entry = OU %],OU=[% entry %][% END %][% END %][% IF O %][% FOREACH entry = O %],O=[% entry %][% END %][% END %][% IF L %],L=[% L.0 %][% END %][% IF ST %],ST=[% ST.0 %][% END %][% IF C %],C=[% C.0 %][% END %][% IF DC %][% FOREACH entry = DC %],DC=[% entry %][% END %][% END %][% IF EMAIL %][% FOREACH entry = EMAIL %],EMAIL=[% entry %][% END %][% END %]
  2. Save the file.

  3. Create a file titled l.yaml in the /etc/openxpki/config.d/realm/REALM NAME/profile/template directory.

  4. Add the following:

    id: L
    label: L
    description: I18N_OPENXPKI_UI_PROFILE_L_DESC
    preset: L
    type: freetext
    width: 60
    placeholder: Kolkata
  5. Save the file.

  6. Create a file titled st.yaml in the /etc/openxpki/config.d/realm/REALM NAME/profile/template directory.

  7. Add the following:

    id: ST
    label: ST
    preset: ST
    type: freetext
    width: 60
    placeholder: WB
  8. Save the file.

    Note:  OpenXPKI must own both files and must be readable, writable, and executable.

  9. Restart the OpenXPKI service using openxpkictl restart.

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