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Lexmark X651

Lexmark X651

Scan to Network Bar Code Read Failure or Application Error

What you will see

The MFP's embedded bar code engine cannot resolve or interpret the bar code image.

Or, another potential outcome is seen when performing a scan to network folder with the use of barcode page breaks and a barcode template.

ERROR #0 System Bundle - [stderr] com.lexmark.esc.barcode.service.BadTemplateException: The scanned document does not match the bar code template "templateName".


Change your content type to Photo or Text/Photo.

To do this, two locations/methods exist to make this setting change.

Method 1: Embedded Web Server via Scan to Network Destination "Edit Setup."

  1. Click on Settings.

  2. Click on Embedded Solutions.

  3. Clickon Scan to Network.

  4. Click on Configure.

  5. Click on Destination being used to scan Barcodes.

  6. Click Edit.

  7. Scroll down the page to Scan Settings.

  8. Locate Content and then select Text/Photo or photo.

  9. Click OK.

Method 2: MFP Control Panel via Scan Settings > Change.

  1. Click Scan to Network.

  2. Click the applicable Destination name.

  3. Locate Scan Settings and click on Change.

  4. Locate Content.

  5. Change the setting to Text/Photo or photo.

  6. Click on Scan It.

Click here for screen shots of both locations.


Because the text setting is optimized for text documents, it does not work well with barcodes, which are graphics. When using Text only on a barcode, aliasing * due to resolution becomes an issue. The outcome results in reduced image quality to the extent that the barcode engine cannot resolve the barcode.

* The effect caused by different signals that become indistinguishable (or aliases of one another) when sampled, or if the resolution is too low, the reconstructed image will differ from the original image, and an alias is seen.

Related articles

Click here to see the troubleshooting portion of the Scan to Network administrators guide.

Contacting Lexmark

If you need additional assistance, please go to the Lexmark support site, type your printer model and locate

Get in Touch with Lexmark! for contact information. NOTE: When calling for support, you will need the following:

  • Printer model
  • Printer serial number
  • Application name and version

Please be near the product/s described in this article to expedite the support process and reduce callbacks.


This issue was logged in the ExtraView escalation system. To investigate this issue further, type the original escalation item number

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