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Tomcat server is not initializing due to port issue

Issue description

A recent Windows update adds a service that takes the port 8005 which is the same port that Tomcat uses for its remote shutdown service.

Since the port is no longer available for Tomcat, it is not able to initialize properly, resulting in LDD and, LPM also not working.

The following symptoms were observed for this issue:

  • All services are running.
  • LMC is not accessible (Service Unavailable).
  • LPM Portal says “Server is Offline”
  • Restarting the system does not resolve the issue.

A workaround can be implemented by changing the 8005 listening port of Tomcat to something else.


The following steps are for implementing the workaround:

  1. On the app server after stopping the tomcat service, open \Lexmark\Solutions\tomcat\conf\server.xml using Notepad or any text editor running as administrator.

  2. Look for the “SHUTDOWN” port tag and edit the port number from “8005” to “8006”. Newer LDD versions (starting from 5.6) use this port to avoid the conflict.

  3. Also open \Lexmark\Solutions\apps\wf-ldss\WEB-INF\classes\server.xml using Notepad or any text editor running as administrator.

  4. Look for the “SHUTDOWN” port tag and edit the port number from “8005” to “8006”. Newer LDD versions (starting from 5.6) use this port to avoid the conflict.

  5. Restart tomcat.exe (LSAS).

Note:  Starting with LDD 5.6, the default SHUTDOWN port of tomcat is 8006. Thus, this and newer versions are not affected by this issue. Also, the obvious permanent fix is to update the LDD version to 5.6 or newer. If the customer decides to upgrade to a version lower than 5.6, they may have to implement this workaround.

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